Dryside Training by Commit Swimming: Holiday Training – Damage Control


By JR Rosania,

Every year when the holidays take over, we find ourselves bracing for all of the treats and goodies that we are going to consume.

In times such as these, we need to think through our training, and stay focused and stay on track. The focus during the six weeks of the increased caloric intake needs to be “duration” and “aerobic.” We want to burn fat as our fuel source, and strength-train to maintain muscle mass.

Try to perform 40 minutes of aerobic activities three to six times a week. Pick a cardio activity: Run, bike, hike, walk or jump rope!

Aim for completing the workout in circuit format. Start with one set the first two weeks, then progress to three sets.

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Notice: All swimming and dryland training instruction should be performed under the supervision of a qualified coach or instructor, and in circumstances that ensure the safety of the participants.

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J.R. Rosania, B.S., exercise science, is one of the nation’s top performance enhancement coaches. He is the owner and CEO of Healthplex, LLC, and has finished the Ironman Triathlon 18 times. He also serves as Swimming World Magazine’s fitness trainer and was named one of “America’s Top Trainers” by Men’s Journal and Vogue magazines. Check out Rosania’s website at www.jrhealthplex.net.

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Noriko Inada, 39, swam for Japan at the 1992, 2000 and 2004 Olympics. She now swims Masters for Phoenix Swim Club, and owns Masters world records in the women’s 25-29, 30-34 and 35-39 age groups.

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