Try This Training Set: Aerobic Work For Sprinters

Try This Training Set: Aerobic Work For Sprinters
From the archive, Swimming World brings readers a look at an aerobic training set for sprinters. This week’s set is a short end aerobic set that is great for sprinters of all four strokes. Take a look at the set below and the description that follows:
4 Rounds:
4 x 25’s on :10 rest with a snorkel as:
#1 – fast kick
#2 – drill
#3 – fast breakout
#4 – fast finish
4 x 75’s on :15 rest as:
25 moderate
25 fast
25 sprint
4 x 50’s on :20 rest as:
#1 – build each 25
#2 – middle 25 fast
#3 – whole 50 fast
#4 – easy free
This set is designed to be a good high intensity aerobic workout for your sprinters that keeps them moving while also focusing on the technical aspects that should be their strength. The workout starts with 4 x 25’s that start with fast kick to wake up the legs, drill to find their stroke, and a fast breakout and fast finish to help them tune into the details of their stroke.
Following the 25’s are 4 x 75’s build, with the final 25 at a high intensity. Don’t take more than :15 rest between each 25 to keep them moving. If the quality is not there on the last 25, give them an extra :05 rest before the final 25 to get them swimming up to the speed you want.
The final 4 x 50’s build in a similar manner, giving your athletes a different focus on each 50 to keep them interested and their effort up. Take about :20 rest between each 50 to keep their focus and intensity high. This set works for any of the four strokes and is a great set to alternate between freestyle and a secondary stroke or to do the set IM order. Happy swimming!
All swimming and dryland training and instruction should be performed under the supervision of a qualified coach or instructor, and in circumstances that ensure the safety of participants.
Shall we do this or is Nathan Adrian nor good enough for you Joe Stott
It’s not very aerobic ?
We can do a timed 5k instead. This is aerobic for one dimensional sprinter like yourself
Shaheen would probs just miss most of it out any way Carl Smith Joe Stott
Hmm slightly hurtful but true
I’m a distance swimmer now though so I have that up my sleeve (except I have no sleeves cos I only wear vests !!!) Carl Smith Luke Smith Joe Stott
Conor Sheahan Cillian Colvin it’s seeing sets like this that make me want to get back in… #AerobicSet
Sprint is a myth I’m all about the excess yards
Mohamed George Sabri
Jimmy Wong
Great foto of my Adrian Head position of all 3 dimensions Vertical , Horizontal and most important —- forward looking at the eyebrow “ Surfing on the Water”. Perfect recovery arm position creating more power to the underwater pulling arm and ready to strike on entry/catch.