ZUMO Performance of the Week: SoCal Swimming Announces $650,000 Support Funding For Clubs

This week’s ZUMO Performance of the Week goes to the Southern California Swimming LSC (local swimming committee) Board of Directors for approving a COVID-19 support funding program that will make $650,000 available in two phases.
The Southern California Swimming the Board issues the following statement on April 16:
Both Phase I and Phase II would have two parts. In Phase I, SCS Clubs would be able to apply for funds from different categories and a pool of $300,000. In Phase II, SCS Clubs would be able to apply for funds from different categories and a pool of $350,000.
Terry Stoddard, General Chair of Southern California Swimming said:
“This was a collaborative effort that used measurable objectives to plan to support clubs in a time of need. We can’t do everything for everybody, wish we could, but by working together we have made strides in doing what we can for as many as possible. We are Proud of Our Traditions! We are proud of this program too!”
Southern California Swimming will allocate up to $650,000 for SCS COVID-19 Club Support Funding in two phases.
Measureable Objectives:
- Addressing Meet Revenue for meets that have been cancelled due to COVID-19 mandates.
- Helping Clubs at Risk.
- Provide financial support to teams in need that choose to participate in testing new competition models made necessary Post COVID-19.
Phase I – YTD Until 90-days After Return To Operations (RTO)
Based on need and application SCS will allocate up to $300,000 to help Clubs.
I SCS will consider support for Swim Meets that were cancelled in response to COVID-19 mandates that were on the SCS Schedule of competitions in the months after March 16th and including, April, May and June, 2020 – Up to $80,000.
II Support teams that are in dire need – Up to $220,000 based on an Athlete-share and a cap based on team size.
Note: All applications are due by April 24th, 2020.
Phase II – Beginning 90-days after RTO
Based on need and application SCS will allocate up to $350,000 to help Clubs.
I $200,000 to support teams after they have Returned To Operations.
II $150,000 for meet support to run future meets by advancing funds to teams in need in order to roll out meets that may be necessary post COVID-19.
Thank you to the Southern California Swimming LSC for your funding program, and for that you earn the ZUMO Performance of the Week.
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