Video: Watch The Amazing Arena Grand Prixview Youth Event From Austin

AUSTIN, Texas, January 27. FOR the first time in all of its high definition glory, check out the Arena Grand Prixview youth event that took part at the Arena Grand Prix stop in Austin.
The event, that takes place as part of the Grand Prix, includes a Q&A section as well as a fun-filled mixed relay competition shortly before the last night of finals. In Austin, Olympic legend Rowdy Gaines served as the emcee for the event, while Arena-sponsored athletes Aaron Peirsol and Matt McLean both took part as well.
The inaugural Grand Prixview took place as part of the Arena Grand Prix stop in Mesa last year and included Gaines, Peirsol and Janet Evans at the time.
The Q&A session is worth the time just by itself, but make sure you watch through until the exciting final race.