Poll of the Week: USA Senior Nationals Ratings (Results)

PHOENIX, Arizona, August 21. THE USA team has moved on to the Pan Pacific Championships in Australia. But before we move on to the biggest meets of the summer, we wanted to know what you thought about the USA National meet in Irvine, California. The options were: do you think it was a fast meet, an OK meet or did you think it was a slow meet. Votes are in: 53% of the voters thought the National meet was just OK. 28% thought it was slower than expected and only 19% of you thought it was a fast meet. There were some meet highlights such as Katie Ledecky’s 400 world record and Kevin Cordes almost world record in the 200 breaststroke. But I agree, apart from a few swims the meet was just OK.
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This week, we want to know, which event are you the most interested in now? The Pan Pacific Championships in Australia, the European Championships in Berlin, the Summer Youth Olympic Games in China or the Junior Pan Pacific Championships that will happen at the end of the month in Hawaii.
Go to SwimmingWorld.com and vote along the right side of the page and let us know which meet interests you the most.