‘Leading Without Leading’ Offers New Perspective on Leadership

There’s a lot of stuff around about Leadership…books, videos, DVDs, courses, conferences, training programs….seems like everyone’s got something to say – and something to sell – about Leading, Leaders and Leadership.
Wayne Goldsmith‘s new book “Leading Without Leading” isn’t selling anything – except – the belief that anyone can – and should – lead.
“I’ve worked with some of the best athletes, coaches and teams all over the world for the past 30 years”, says Goldsmith. “Everywhere I go people ask me about Leadership and how to develop Leaders. In the past I would recommend they read one of the “classic” Leadership books written by some Management training expert.
But increasingly I came to realize that Leadership isn’t about doing a Leadership training course or watching a Leadership Guru talk about their “secret” method for developing Leaders….it’s about being comfortable with who you are and then subtly inspiring change in others through authentic and genuine relationships and connections.
It hit me that what I was actually seeing in the best Leaders wasn’t really “Leadership” in the traditional sense – it was people accepting and valuing who they are – and feeling comfortable leading others through direct, personal, emotional connection. It’s not about being a great public speaker. It’s not about having the letters M.B.A. after your name. And it’s certainly not being “Born” a Leader. Leadership is very simple – it can be learnt very easily – and the best thing of all – anyone can lead”.
Here’s an extract from “Leading Without Leading”:
The new leadership is not an act or a speech or a lecture or a Board report.
It’s not a title or an award or a qualification.
It’s not a program, procedures, a policy or a product.
It’s you and what you do every day. It’s who you are and the way you live your life. It’s the standards you set for your own life and how you maintain those standards over the 100 years or so of your existence.
The new leadership is not conforming to a leadership style or system or program. It’s not going to a course and learning how to be like some other “leader” – it’s about embracing your uniqueness, unleashing your own potential and being who you are.
“Why is this so?” you may ask, young Skywalker.
A quick look at the papers, the television and a few books will tell you: the old leadership model just does not work.
The old model – the one size fits all – lead from the front model was based on a small number of people having a large amount of information. Today things are very very different. Today we a very large number of people with an incredible amount of information.
Today anyone can get anything, anytime, anywhere and usually for free and right in the palm of their hand on their phone, their tablet, their laptop: anything, anywhere, anytime.
Knowledge is no longer power……because everyone has knowledge. The real power now is in the five Cs:
- Creativity – thinking things, saying things and doing things no one else is thinking, saying or doing;
- Connection – connecting with people and understanding their needs – being customer focused and client orientated;
- Communication – communicating often – and communicating with people when, where and how they want to be communicated with;
- Collaboration – being able to build effective thinking, learning and problem solving teams;
- Change – being able to accelerate your rate of learning and change faster than your opponents.
If you’ve ever wanted to lead – or if you’ve ever wished you could be more effective at Leadership but been disappointed at the “one-size-fits-all” solutions offered in books, courses, programs and conferences – this is the book for you.
Wayne’s ability to make the topic of Leadership simple, practical and easy to understand is at the heart of this book. There’s no complicated chapters on Leadership theory or Management principles – it’s all about helping you to lead by – not leading.
The book is ideal for coaches, athletes, managers, teachers, parents and anyone who wants to learn more about Leadership – particularly if they’re looking for a way to connect with and inspire real and meaningful change in the hearts and minds of others.
Every chapter is highlighted with an actual real-life story from Wayne’s extensive background working with leaders all over the world.
“As a species – we’re story tellers”, says Wayne. “I decided that the best way to help people understand what Leadership is all about was to share some of my first-hand stories from a lifetime in the sport industry”.
Goldsmith continues, “It is my hope that when people read Leading Without Leading they all of sudden realize that so much of what they’ve been told about Leadership and most of what they’ve believed about Leaders is wrong. Too many people have been afraid of Leadership. They see it as something the General Manager or the Head Coach or the School Principal does but it’s not about them. Wrong!!! It is completely about them – and it’s 100% about each person’s capacity to be all they want to be”.
Leading Without Leading Book Review:
Leading without leading may sound like a simple concept but it is extremely liberating and powerful. By slowly and professionally stripping away the misconceptions and falsehood that has been communicated through popular leadership books, Wayne brings us back to the truth…anybody can lead.
With information being so readily, and mostly freely, available the only true advantage a leader has is himself. There is a popular saying:” all of us a born unique, yet only some of us die that way” and this is true especially in leadership. Leading out of your uniqueness is true leadership.
This book includes many practical suggestions and true life stories. The writing is in true Wayne Goldsmith style, and his direct speech and broad range of experience can be felt on every page. With this book Wayne offers his unique and rare knowledge to the leaders who want to be better, succeed more and live a life with constant peak performance. (Coach R.L)
To find out more about “Leading Without Leading” – it’s available now on Amazon as an e-book and Print on Demand.