Commit Swimming Set Of The Week: Backstroke Bobs

Welcome to Swimming World’s Set of the Week sponsored by Commit! This week’s set focuses on backstroke descends that use active rest in the form of streamline bobs instead of intervals.
2 Rounds:
4 x 150 back desc 1-4 (rest = 10 streamline bobs)
300 as 100 fast kick/50 smooth swim on regroup
4 x 100 back desc 1-4 (rest = 5 streamline bobs)
4 x 50 back (fast breakout/fast finish/all fast/all easy) on 1:00
There are a few reasons for the inclusion of the streamline bobs. First off, it “tricks” swimmers into getting in a longer sustained effort over the 4 x 150’s and 4 x 100’s descend. While the the streamline bobs are labeled their rest, in reality this will help keep their heart rates up between repeats and almost serves as a way to make break up what would be a 600 and 400 build.
The bobs also will force swimmers to think about their body position in between repeats. Frame them as an opportunity for your swimmers to think about how they are coming off of the wall (we all know how important underwaters are in backstroke!) and as another opportunity to stay tight and strong off the walls.
While the set doesn’t really feature any “traditional” interval work outside of the 4 x 50’s at the end of each round, that doesn’t mean swimmers should go easy. Challenge them to make the end of each descend round fast and take extra time after the 300 kick/swim if it means your swimmers will be able to go faster each round.
Commit Swimming’s Mission
Commit Swimming builds innovative software for our sport, bringing 21st-century tech to swimming.
Every dang day Commit strives to improve technology in swimming, pushing the boundaries of what has been done before. For far too long swimming software has lacked creativity and simplicity. It is our goal to change that by delivering products that dazzle you with their simplicity and elegance.
All swimming and dryland training and instruction should be performed under the supervision of a qualified coach or instructor, and in circumstances that ensure the safety of participants.
I really like this set but can you tell me what a “bob” is? Is this vertical kick?