Brett Hawke, Dr. Monika Schloder to Speak at ASCA World Clinic

FORT LAUDERDALE, Florida, August 11. THIS year's ASCA World Clinic will feature some of the top coaches throughout the world speaking to those assembled in Indianapolis, Ind., from August 31 to September 4.

On top of previously announced coaches such as Paulus Wildeboer of Denmark, Stefano Morini of Italy and Cesare Butini of Rome, Brett Hawke and Dr. Monika Schloder will also be on hand to speak.

Hawke, who coaches at Auburn University and is the personal coach of Brazilian sprinter Cesar Cielo, is widely regarded as one of the finest sprint event coaches in the world. His presentation will center on the Cielo's preparation for last year's World Championships in Rome.

Schloder, who coaches in Canada, will do two presentations during the World Clinic. Her first is entitled "Ballet for Swimmers for Increasing Body Awareness and Rhythm," while her second is entitled "Body Language in Coaching, A Tool for Effective Communication."

More than 50 speakers will contribute to this year's World and Gold Medal Clinic in Indianapolis. No matter who you coach, or your level of experience, you will find a rich and rewarding experience at the ASCA World Clinic.

On-site registration begins at $400, but those who register now can save almost $200.

Every registration includes a free one-year subscription to Swimming World Magazine.

A large block of rooms have been reserved at the Westin Indianapolis Hotel located at 50 South Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46204

Or visit You need to state that you are attending the American Swimming Coaches Association's World Clinic to receive the group discounted hotel room rates.

Click Here to Download the Early Registration Form.

SwimmingWorld.TV will be attending again this year. Click here to watch highlights from the Olympic Coaches Dinner and other interviews last year.

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