ASCA Announces Candidates for Board of Directors

Election to be held electronically Sept. 8-9
Six coaches have stepped up to run for the Board of Directors for the American Swimming Coaches Association (ASCA) this year.
The following candidates are running for two open Board positions:
• Ryan Callan (Fairport Area Swim Team)
• Paul Donovan (Jersey Wahoos)
• Tim Hill (Sharks Swim Club)
• Dan Mascolo (Y-Spartaquatics)
• Brian McGuire (McGuire Aquatic Club)
• Ian Murray (Dynamo)
All names submitted to the nominating committee are being placed on the ballot, according to Governance Committee Chair Coach Mitch Dalton. The election will be held on September 8-9, 2022, via electronic voting.
All U.S. ASCA members whose dues are current will be emailed a ballot from an independent elections company on September 8 shortly after the conclusion of the ASCA member meeting at the World Clinic (around 9:30 a.m. PST). Members must cast their electronic ballot by September 9 at 9:30 a.m. PST.
The members who are elected to the Board will be announced at the World Clinic and posted on on September 9.
More information on each of the candidates, including a short video about their qualifications, will be posted on the ASCA website at by September 2, 2022.