4 Comments That Come With Life As A Female Swimmer

simona-quadarella-2015-fina-world-juniors-1 (4)

By Grace Hoffmann, Swimming World College Intern

I believe that life as told by a female swimmer varies a lot from the male swimmer’s story. From having to explain to school friends why your hair is always thrown up in a ponytail, to those broad “swimmer shoulders” that everyone comments on, it is very easy for a female swimmer to blame a good amount of their daily problems on swimming.

My teammates and friends have been swimming for a long time. These girls have made swimming one of the biggest parts of their life. For better or worse, they chose swimming and all the idiosyncrasies and comments that come with it.

1. “You have big shoulders.”


Photo Courtesy: Lillian Scott

I laugh the most when I hear this. How does one respond when told this? Thank you? I think girls should take it as a compliment. I’m glad that someone is noticing the hard work we’ve been doing, in and out of the pool. Yes, being a girl with ‘big’ shoulders does mean that clothes fit differently. But, that does not mean that clothes do not fit. They still do, it may just take you a little longer to find the right size or the right store.

2. “Your hair is changing colors.”


Photo Courtesy: Annie Grevers

Swim caps can kill hair. Chlorine and hair salons must have a secret agreement. I find the effect that swimming has on hair to be one of the biggest annoyances. Does a swimmer girl like when her hair freezes? No. Is green hair optimal? No. Also, do you think that bobby-pinning little strands of hair that are cut off by a swim cap is fun? No! Lastly, using a hair dryer takes time. Putting hair over sleep should be illegal. It’s time for the swimmer bun to be the new hair fad.

3. “You need to shave.”


Photo Courtesy: Mary McDevitt

No shaving in-season is really a blessing in disguise. Tights are a nice addition to your winter dance dress. When the big meet comes you will thank yourself for sticking to the taper plan, not shaving included. Yes, non-swimmers may find it very disgusting. Don’t listen to them.

4. “You are never around.”

Photo Courtesy: Kalina DiMarco

Training 20 plus hours a week, sleeping, and doing homework on top of that, it’s hard to find time for friends outside of the pool. It’s hard to be a swimmer girl. Finding friends who understand swimming and the time commitment is challenging. The good friends will know that you’re not making up excuses for why you can not hang out. Trust me.

Sometimes those who are the most successful have to sacrifice the most. Whether the sacrifice is big or small, it can be hard to come to terms with it. As petty as it may sound, after a tough swim practice in the winter time, I dread walking outside and my hair freezing (even with a parka/hat on). The life of a swimmer girl is an interesting one. Know you’re not alone– there’s a whole world of female swimmers growing their leg hair out with you. Some days, you just have to embrace it.

All commentaries are the opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Swimming World Magazine nor its staff.

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Carol Harper
9 years ago

Elizabeth Harrison

Monique Gerber
9 years ago

Jessica Schrader Jamie Gardiner Stephanie Askew

Swim Giggles LLC
9 years ago

Thanks for a fun article! We remember all of these and they do not change. 🙂

Liz Hinley
9 years ago

“Putting hair over sleep should be illegal. It’s time for the swimmer bun to be the new hair fad.” Yes!! I love this. Rocking the wet hair bun right now!

Eileen Nordquist
9 years ago

Grace Nordquist

Camilla Rask
9 years ago

Anna Wermuth nr3

Anna Wermuth
9 years ago
Reply to  Camilla Rask

“Don’t listen to them” ??

Kristi Nicole Howell
9 years ago

Brylee Monroe read this!!

Nick van Nijburg
9 years ago

Tes Schouten

Traci Valery
9 years ago

This is a great article.

Remi Neeno
9 years ago

Banah-Jena Fakhoury
Sandy Zureik
Carole Zureik
Faten Nassar
Number 5 : you smell like chlorine haha

Sandy Zureik
9 years ago
Reply to  Remi Neeno


Sandy Zureik
9 years ago
Reply to  Remi Neeno

Number 6: how do you put all that hair of yours in that cap?

Remi Neeno
9 years ago
Reply to  Remi Neeno

hehheh not me

Faten Nassar
9 years ago
Reply to  Remi Neeno

Number 7 : you throw ice cream on a truck driver Remi Neeno بوظة بوظة مين بدة بوظة

Banah-Jena Fakhoury
9 years ago
Reply to  Remi Neeno

Hahahaha I disagree with no. 4 we were always too clean for that ?

Sandy Zureik
9 years ago
Reply to  Remi Neeno

Hahahahaha ????? Faten Nassar!!! Hehe

Remi Neeno
9 years ago
Reply to  Remi Neeno

miss raja2 , ban yas , farouj , ضفادع ، rings any bell ? Hahha
10 3alamat 3al tawjihi that i never used ??

Faten Nassar
9 years ago
Reply to  Remi Neeno

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHmisssss rajaaaa2 my sleeping partner can’t believe I ran away from the balcony ???????

Remi Neeno
9 years ago
Reply to  Remi Neeno

Rasha Ghosheh haha

Rasha Ghosheh
9 years ago
Reply to  Remi Neeno

Hahahahhaha hahahahahahah the boot camps in dirty swimming pools hehehehe he they forgot to mention

Remi Neeno
9 years ago
Reply to  Remi Neeno

Hahha Rasha do you remember how you used to wake me up ???

Rasha Ghosheh
9 years ago
Reply to  Remi Neeno

Hahahahhaha by singing ???

Remi Neeno
9 years ago
Reply to  Remi Neeno

By Simply throwing me off the bed , Hadak il singing Kan 3al beach Hahhaha

Rasha Ghosheh
9 years ago
Reply to  Remi Neeno

Hahahahha ahhhhhhhh and il singing kan before going to bed hehehehv

Banah-Jena Fakhoury
9 years ago
Reply to  Remi Neeno

You ladies forgot this:

Sandy Zureik
9 years ago
Reply to  Remi Neeno

Looooooool Banah-Jena Fakhoury

Mary Frawley
9 years ago

I’ll say, I kinda hated my body when I swam in hs and I needed a formal dress. Nothing fit over my big muscles!! Now I wish I still had that problem.

Sagarika Jain
9 years ago

Ojas Kulkarni my lyf sucks fuk yaa????

Susan L. Lansbury
9 years ago

Debbie K Jaeger, Julie Lerner Nations, Meg Andronaco, Ariel Lotz, Alice O’Leary McClenahan…..heard it ALL, right?????

Ariel Lotz
9 years ago

Yep especially the “big shoulders” comment

Debbie K Jaeger
9 years ago

Every one of them! ?

Pam Jones Wyatt
9 years ago

Debbie I don’t understand the shaving reference?

Debbie K Jaeger
9 years ago

Pam Jones Wyatt when you are in the middle of training (high school or college) you don’t shave your legs until the championship meet usually in March .. Even less drag and better feel for the water .. Psychological too

Susan L. Lansbury
9 years ago

Debbie K Jaeger you go to college formals with hairy legs and if more committed, hairy armpits too….

Meg Andronaco
Meg Andronaco
9 years ago

awesome. gotta share this…

Karen Helgeson
9 years ago

Emma J. Helgeson cute article.

Carol Goodey
9 years ago

It forgot a biggie though, ‘you still swim when You have your period wow, that’s gross!’ So many ignorant people still!

Isha Varma
9 years ago

Uditi Mendiratta

Michael Stott
9 years ago

As a coach of high school girls I couldn’t be prouder of the athletes who work day in and day out unconcerned by the comments of others regarding their appearance and healthy lifestyle. Yes, wet heads in cold weather can be a problem. My only request.; girls, wear caps outside after practice. Fun read.

Kat Walker
9 years ago

I still have my shoulders. They’re nice.

Jessica Walth
9 years ago

Cassie Walth

Bill Cook
9 years ago

You are Great Girl!

Corrina Stadler
9 years ago

Kristal Jensen

Courtney Hiett
9 years ago

I’m going to share this with my daughter?! These are all things she encounters!

Patricia Hankinson Goddard


Charlene Tallen
9 years ago

I’m a swim mom and I’ve heard EVERY one said to my daughter!

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