2019 NAIA Championships Day 3 Prelims: Keiser Takes 6 Top Seeds

The third day of the 2019 NAIA Championships kicked off with a full sate of events on Thursday in Columbus, Georgia.

Friday morning’s events included the 200 medley relay, 400 IM, 100 fly, 200 free, 100 breast and 100 back.

Order of events

Women’s 200 Medley Relay
Men’s 200 Medley Relay
Women’s 400 IM
Men’s 400 IM
Women’s 100 Fly
Men’s 100 Fly
Women’s 200 Free
Men’s 200 Free
Women’s 100 Breast
Men’s 100 Breast
Women’s 100 Back
Men’s 100 Back

Women’s 200 Medley Relay

Keiser started the day off with a strong swim in the 200 medley relay. Meagan Abad, Ori Freibach, Amanda Stromberg and Emma Sofie Augustsson took the top seed in 1:45.81.

It was more than a second ahead of the field.

Cumberlands took the second seed in 1:41.13, followed by the College of Idaho (1:47.90).

Event 17  Women 200 Yard Medley Relay
    School                                 Seed    Prelims        
                       === Preliminaries ===                        
  1 Keiser                              1:45.79    1:45.81  
     1) Abad, Meagan JR               2) Freibach, Ori FR             
     3) Stromberg, Amanda FR          4) Augustsson, Emma Sofie FR    
  2 Cumberlands                         1:46.58    1:47.13  
     1) Klouda, Christina SR          2) Hnidenko, Julia SO           
     3) De Rooi, Mendy SO             4) Burgoon, Houston SO          
  3 C of I                              1:51.55    1:47.90  
     1) Kelly, Madison                2) Yannelli, Caroline           
     3) Watkins, Reina                4) Murphy, Maya                 
  4 IWU                                 1:51.12    1:49.16  
     1) Darnell, Sydney FR            2) Holmgren, Linnea SO          
     3) Eicher, Whitley FR            4) Travis, Emma SO              
  5 ACU                                 1:50.05    1:49.60  
     1) Thomas, Emily                 2) Labanauskaite, Vikte         
     3) Newell, Julia                 4) Stevens, Emma FR             
  6 Brenau                              1:47.86    1:49.96  
     1)                               2) Steinbach, Ashlyn SO         
     3) Bartoletta, Haley FR          4) Toussaint, Yanne JR          
  7 SCAD                                1:46.14    1:50.13  
     1) Henninger, Julie SR           2) Scargill, Sarah FR           
     3) McGinty, Anna Kate FR         4) Hui, Chloe SO                
  8 LUB                                 1:52.14    1:50.22  
     1) Merfol, Chelsea FR            2) Martens, Anna FR             
     3) Geck, Alina FR                4) Essmann, Amelie FR

Men’s 200 Medley Relay

The Keiser men took the top seed in the 200 medley relay as well, following the women.

Jan Suchan, Matias Lazzerini, Joel Hansson and Andrei Stukov combined to finish in 1:31.44, more than a second ahead of the field.

Midland tok the second seed (1:32.66), followed by Union (1:33.27).

Event 18  Men 200 Yard Medley Relay
    School                                 Seed    Prelims        
                       === Preliminaries ===                        
  1 Keiser                              1:29.86    1:31.44  
     1) Suchan, Jan SO                2) Lazzerini, Matias SO         
     3) Hansson, Joel SR              4) Stukov, Andrei SR            
  2 Midland                             1:33.83    1:32.66  
     1) McKelvey, Collin FR           2) Penney, Tyler SO             
     3) Martinez, Gabe FR             4) Cain, Scott FR               
  3 Union                               1:33.84    1:33.27  
     1) Smith, Andrew SO              2) Saraceni, Henrique SO        
     3) Perkowski, Wiktor SO          4) Shivji, Iyas SR              
  4 SCAD                                1:32.69    1:33.49  
     1) Bunner, Brogan SR             2) Harsanyi, George SO          
     3) Zachar, Gergo SO              4) Monori, Zoltan SO            
  5 Cumberlands                         1:32.33    1:33.65  
     1) Sundeen, Daric SO             2) Smith, Jacob SR              
     3) Lyson, Viktor SO              4) Pierce, Bryce SR             
  6 LWC                                 1:34.97    1:33.84  
     1) Paetzold, Clemens SR          2) Rice, Bryce FR               
     3) Terra, Pedro FR               4) Olejnik, Olek SO             
  7 LUB                                 1:33.67    1:33.90  
     1) Baro, Santiago FR             2) Markovic, Mateja FR          
     3) Le Pays du Teilleul, Martin F 4) Benassila, Badr JR           
  8 Asbury                              1:36.05    1:34.56  
     1) Bisher, Clay JR               2) Passman, Ronan SO            
     3) Wu, Alex FR                   4) Jessee, Keith SR

Women’s 400 IM

Olivet Nazarene sophomore Karla Islas put herself in a strong position on Friday, taking the top seed in the 400 IM by more than two seconds.

Islas finished in 4:31.82, dropping eight seconds from her seed time.

Cumberlands’ Christina Klouda took the second seed in 4:33.97, while Loyola junior Paige Carter was third (4:34.11).

Thomas University’s Kiana Molina tok the fourth spot (4:35.84), followed by SCAD freshman Kaylen Hou (4:36.01), Keiser junior Annamaria Zombai (4:37.69), Brenau sophomore Nikoletta Alvanou (4:37.71) and SCAD freshman Abigail Tankersley (4:37.80).

Event 19  Women 400 Yard IM
    Name                 Year School               Seed    Prelims        
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
  1 Islas, Karla           SO Olivet Nazarene   4:39.52    4:31.82  
  2 Klouda, Christina      SR Cumberlands       4:29.98    4:33.97  
  3 Carter, Paige          JR Loyola Swim Team  4:36.98    4:34.11  
  4 Molina, Kiana             TU                4:36.17    4:35.84  
  5 Hou, Kaylen            FR SCAD              4:45.86    4:36.01  
  6 Zombai, Annamaria      JR Keiser            4:33.76    4:37.69  
  7 Alvanou, Nikoletta     SO Brenau            4:34.74    4:37.71  
  8 Tankersley, Abigail    FR SCAD              4:38.10    4:37.80

Men’s 400 IM

Four freshmen made the top eight in the men’s 400 IM, while three from Lindenwood will swim in the finals.

Keiser freshman Pol Roch took the top seed in 4:00.77, finishing just ahead of Lindenwood freshman Martin Le Pays du Teilleul (4:01.35).

Linnenwood sophomore Niels Engeln took the third seed, followed by SCAD freshman Maik Riefenstahl (4:02.10) and sophomore George Harsanyi (4:02.21).

Life University’s Gustav Lucas took the sixth seed (4:02.63), followed by Olivet Nazarene junior Seth Cripe (4:04.93) and Lindenwood freshman Thomas Granet (4:05.69).

Event 20  Men 400 Yard IM
    Name                 Year School               Seed    Prelims        
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
  1 Roch, Pol              FR Keiser            3:55.96    4:00.77  
  2 Le Pays du Teilleul,   FR LUB               4:02.66    4:01.35  
  3 Engeln, Niels          SO LUB               4:04.30    4:01.85  
  4 Rieffenstahl, Maik     FR SCAD              4:06.18    4:02.10  
  5 Harsanyi, George       SO SCAD              3:59.10    4:02.21  
  6 Lucas, Gustav          SO LIFEU             4:05.69    4:02.63  
  7 Cripe, Seth            JR Olivet Nazarene   4:10.96    4:04.93  
  8 Granet, Thomas         FR LUB               4:09.08    4:05.69

Women’s 100 Fly

Cumberlands sophomore Mendy De Rooi continued her strong racing at nationals, surging to the top seed in the 100 fly in 56.42.

Indiana Wesleyan freshman Sydney Darnell was just behind at 56.69, setting up what could be an extremely close final.

College of Idaho’s Madison Kelly took the third seed in 56.90, followed by Keiser freshman Anna Herbst (57.08).

SCAD junior Lydia Reinhardt took the fifth spot (57.45), followed by Cumberlands senior Katy Smeltzer (58.10), Keiser junior Kamryn Gallowich (58.20) and Asbury senior Claire Goodrum (58.30).

Event 21  Women 100 Yard Butterfly
    Name                 Year School               Seed    Prelims        
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
  1 De Rooi, Mendy         SO Cumberlands         54.67      56.42  
  2 Darnell, Sydney        FR IWU                 56.43      56.69  
  3 Kelly, Madison            C of I              57.60      56.90  
  4 Herbst, Anna           FR Keiser              56.56      57.08  
  5 Reinhardt, Lydia       JR SCAD                56.92      57.45  
  6 Smeltzer, Katy         SR Cumberlands         59.42      58.10  
  7 Gallowich, Kamryn      JR Keiser              57.44      58.20  
  8 Goodrum, Claire        SR Asbury            1:01.55      58.30

Men’s 100 Fly

Keiser junior Marcel Nagy didn’t better his seed time but did do enough to take the top seed in the men’s 100 fly. He finished in 48.47.

Cumberlands sophomore Viktor Lyson took the second seed in 49.22, while Witkor Perkowski, a sophomore from Union, too the third spot in 49.73.

Asbury freshman Alex Wu took the fourth seed in 49.74, followed by SCAD sophomore Miles Kredich (49.97), SCAD senior Brogan Bunner (50.56), Loyola sophomore Jack Jackson (50.58) and SCAD freshman Irvin Hoost (51.12).

 Event 22  Men 100 Yard Butterfly
    Name                 Year School               Seed    Prelims        
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
  1 Nagy, Marcel           JR Keiser              48.25      48.47  
  2 Lyson, Viktor          SO Cumberlands         48.99      49.22  
  3 Perkowski, Wiktor      SO Union               50.15      49.73  
  4 Wu, Alex               FR Asbury              49.54      49.74  
  5 Kredich, Miles         SO SCAD                50.21      49.97  
  6 Bunner, Brogan         SR SCAD                50.94      50.56  
  7 Jackson, Jack          SO Loyola Swim Team    51.11      50.58  
  8 Hoost, Irvin           FR SCAD                53.22      51.12  
  9 Osborne, Dylan            C of I              51.42     J51.12

Women’s 200 Free

Four swimmers from the Savannah College of Art and Design reached the finals in the women’s 200 free, including the top seed.

SCAD freshman Spencer Sheridan took the top spot in 1:53.23.

Union sophomore Jessica Axford took the second seed (1:53.58), followed by Lindsey Wilson’s Jessica MacDonald (1:53.79).

A trio of SCAD seniors followed as Julie Henninger took the fourth spot in 1:53.87, followed by Shayna Salzman (1:54.17) and Sarah Dostie (1:55.08).

Asbury sophomore Hope Clark took the seventh spot (1:56.05) and Loyola freshman Ulrike Tovilla was eighth (1:56.56).

Event 23  Women 200 Yard Freestyle
    Name                 Year School               Seed    Prelims        
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
  1 Sheridan, Spencer      FR SCAD              1:52.35    1:53.23  
  2 Axford, Jessica        SO Union             1:51.26    1:53.58  
  3 Macdonald, Jessica     JR LWC               1:54.26    1:53.79  
  4 Henninger, Julie       SR SCAD              1:57.23    1:53.87  
  5 Salzman, Shayna        SR SCAD              1:55.73    1:54.17  
  6 Dostie, Sarah          SR SCAD              1:55.99    1:55.08  
  7 Clark, Hope            SO Asbury            1:55.39    1:56.05  
  8 Tovilla, Ulrike        FR Loyola Swim Team  1:55.96    1:56.56

Men’s 200 Free

College of Idaho’s Andrew Clifford took the top spot in the 200 free, finishing in 1:40.81.

SCAD sophomore Zoltan Monori took the second seed (1:41.45), followed by Keiser senior Konstantin Byshev (1:41.82).

Loyola sophomore Sam Vasquez took the fourth spot, followed by Thomas University’s Dorian Taylor (1:42.28), Loyola junior Warren Massimini (1:42.34), Lindenwood freshman Ante Dany (1:42.36) and West Virginia Tech junior Manuel Laguna Gomez (1:43.20).

 Event 24  Men 200 Yard Freestyle
    Name                 Year School               Seed    Prelims        
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
  1 Clifford, Andrew          C of I            1:41.58    1:40.81  
  2 Monori, Zoltan         SO SCAD              1:41.73    1:41.45  
  3 Byshnev, Konstantin    SR Keiser            1:42.74    1:41.82  
  4 Vasquez, Sam           SO Loyola Swim Team  1:46.51    1:42.25  
  5 Taylor, Dorian         FR TU                1:45.12    1:42.28  
  6 Massimini, Warren      JR Loyola Swim Team  1:46.89    1:42.34  
  7 Dany, Ante             FR LUB               1:41.27    1:42.36  
  8 Laguna Gomez, Manuel   JR WV Tech           1:43.42    1:43.20

Women’s 100 Breast

Olivet Nazarene senior Andrea Vega continued her career’s strong finish, surging to the top seed in the 100 breast by more than a second.

Vega finished in 1:03.82 to hold off SCAD senior Sara Lacusky, who finished in 1:05.04.

Arizona Christian’s Vikte Labanauskaite took the third seed in 1:05.66, followed by Idaho’s Caroline Yannelli (1:05.73), Life’s Kirsten Coetzee (1:05.93), Cumberlands sophomore Julia Hnidenko (1:06.26), Brenau junior Yanne Toussaint (1:06.55) and Lindenwood’s Anna Martens (1:06.80).

Event 25  Women 100 Yard Breaststroke
    Name                 Year School               Seed    Prelims        
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
  1 Vega, Andrea           SR Olivet Nazarene   1:04.18    1:03.82  
  2 Lacusky, Sara          SR SCAD              1:05.76    1:05.04  
  3 Labanauskaite, Vikte      ACU               1:04.46    1:05.66  
  4 Yannelli, Caroline        C of I            1:05.58    1:05.73  
  5 Coetzee, Kirsten       SR LIFEU             1:05.77    1:05.93  
  6 Hnidenko, Julia        SO Cumberlands       1:05.23    1:06.26  
  7 Toussaint, Yanne       JR Brenau            1:05.51    1:06.55  
  8 Martens, Anna          FR LUB               1:06.93    1:06.80

Men’s 100 Breast

Keiser senior Joel Hansson took the top spot in the 100 breast, finishing in in 55.55 to hold off Union sophomore Henrique Saraceni (55.89).

Kaiser junior Lukas Macek took the third seed in 55.91, followed by West Virginia Tech junior Paul Dais Ignacio Jr. (56.04), Keiser sophomore Matias Lazzerini (57.31), Midland sophomore Tyler Penney (57.49), Lindsey Wilson’s Olek Olejnik (57.52) and Asbury sophomore Ronan Passman (57.54).

Event 26  Men 100 Yard Breaststroke
    Name                 Year School               Seed    Prelims        
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
  1 Hansson, Joel          SR Keiser              55.91      55.55  
  2 Saraceni, Henrique     SO Union               56.60      55.89  
  3 Macek, Lukas           JR Keiser              55.47      55.91  
  4 Dias Ignacio Jr, Paul  JR WV Tech             56.52      56.04  
  5 Lazzerini, Matias      SO Keiser              57.58      57.31  
  6 Penney, Tyler          SO Midland             58.27      57.49  
  7 Olejnik, Olek          SO LWC                 58.07      57.52  
  8 Passman, Ronan         SO Asbury              58.46      57.54

Women’s 100 Back

SCAD freshman Allie Rassenfoss took the tops seed in the 100 back as a trio of swimmers broke 58 seconds during prelims.

Rassenfoos finished in 57.29 to hold off Brenau senior Lindsay Dowling (57.69) and Keiser freshman Anna Herbst (57.99).

Kaiser junior Meagan Abad took the fourth seed in 58.14, followed by Milligan sophomore Maggie Halloran (58.42), Keiser junior Kamryn Gallowich (58.45), SCAD senior Julie Menninger (58.71) and Milligan senior Sara Farmer (59.10).

Event 27  Women 100 Yard Backstroke
    Name                 Year School               Seed    Prelims        
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
  1 Rassenfoss, Allie      FR SCAD                57.94      57.29  
  2 Dowling, Lindsay       SR Brenau              56.83      57.69  
  3 Herbst, Anna           FR Keiser              57.52      57.99  
  4 Abad, Meagan           JR Keiser              57.98      58.14  
  5 Halloran, Maggie       SO MILL                59.54      58.42  
  6 Gallowich, Kamryn      JR Keiser              57.59      58.45  
  7 Henninger, Julie       SR SCAD                58.42      58.71  
  8 Farmer, Sara           SR MILL              1:00.34      59.10

Men’s 100 Back

Keiser sophomore Jan Suchan took the top seed in the 100 back, finishing in 50.12.

Midland freshman Collin McKelvey took the second seed in 50.61, edging Cumberlands sophomore Daric Sundeen (50.62).

Loyola junior Trey James took the fourth seed in 50.84, followed by SCAD sophomore Gergo Zachary (51.06), Cumberlands sophomore Viktor Lyson (51.15), SCAD senior Brogan Bunner (51.18) and Asbury junior Clay Bisher (51.65).

Event 28  Men 100 Yard Backstroke
    Name                 Year School               Seed    Prelims        
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
  1 Suchan, Jan            SO Keiser              50.89      50.12  
  2 McKelvey, Collin       FR Midland             52.03      50.61  
  3 Sundeen, Daric         SO Cumberlands         50.41      50.62  
  4 James, Trey            JR Loyola Swim Team    51.77      50.84  
  5 Zachar, Gergo          SO SCAD                49.87      51.06  
  6 Lyson, Viktor          SO Cumberlands         50.89      51.15  
  7 Bunner, Brogan         SR SCAD                51.91      51.18  
  8 Bisher, Clay           JR Asbury              51.52      51.65
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