2016 South African Nationals: Day 6 Finals Live Recap

Live coverage of day six finals of the 2016 South African Nationals. Hit refresh for the latest coverage.
Women’s 200 breast
Tatjana Schoenmaker missed the FINA A cut by the slimmest of margins with a 2:26.95 to win. The FINA A cut time? 2:26.94. She still crushed the FINA B cut provisional time of 2:32.08.
Kaylene Corbett placed second tonight in 2:30.18 with Franko Jonker claiming third overall in 2:31.29.
=== Finals === 1 Schoenmaker, Tatjana 18 NTS-TS 2:27.48 2:26.95 33.85 1:11.52 (37.67) 1:49.12 (37.60) 2:26.95 (37.83) 2 Corbett, Kaylene 16 NMA-NM 2:32.29 2:30.18 34.89 1:12.24 (37.35) 1:51.55 (39.31) 2:30.18 (38.63) 3 Jonker, Franko 23 NTS-TS 2:28.70 2:31.29 35.01 1:12.83 (37.82) 1:51.67 (38.84) 2:31.29 (39.62) 4 Mackenzie, Taryn 22 CGA-JH 2:33.33 2:32.62 34.38 1:12.26 (37.88) 1:52.65 (40.39) 2:32.62 (39.97) 5 Ross, Marlies 18 NTS-TS 2:32.62 2:32.77 34.90 1:12.98 (38.08) 1:53.65 (40.67) 2:32.77 (39.12) 6 Mc Lauchlan, Kirsty 22 CGA-JH 2:36.49 2:35.58 35.87 1:14.98 (39.11) 1:55.24 (40.26) 2:35.58 (40.34) 7 Nicholas, Tara 20 KZNA-ET 2:35.31 2:35.68 35.72 1:14.06 (38.34) 1:55.15 (41.09) 2:35.68 (40.53) 8 Abrahams, Hanim 14 WPA-CP 2:36.30 2:35.72 34.99 1:14.73 (39.74) 1:54.94 (40.21) 2:35.72 (40.78) 9 Visagie, Emily 18 KZNA-ET 2:37.62 2:36.53 35.82 1:14.13 (38.31) 1:54.32 (40.19) 2:36.53 (42.21) 10 Young, Tracy-Lee 15 CGA-JH 2:38.33 2:37.74 36.67 1:16.51 (39.84) 1:57.68 (41.17) 2:37.74 (40.06)
Men’s 50 free multi-class S14-S15
Mark Roach posted the top-ranked time of 25.43. Craig Groenewald (27.11) and Aaron Putz (28.29) rounded out the top three.
=== Finals === 1 Roach, Mark S15 18 BCA-BO 27.40 25.43 2 Groenewald, Craig S14 37 CGA-JH 28.54 27.11 3 Putz, Aaron S14 19 KZNA-ET 29.01 28.29 4 de Freitas, Raymond S 26 MP 29.86 29.05 5 Mabanga, Slindokuhle 17 CGA-JH 30.55 30.67 6 O'Neil, Sean S14 31 KZNA-ET 32.68 32.90 7 Els, Jan-Herman S14 16 NTS-TS 33.37 33.07 8 van Brakel, William S 16 KZNA-ET 34.56 33.98
Men’s 50 free multi-class S1-S13
Hendri Herbst earned the top-ranked time with a 27.24. Johann van Heerden (26.65) and Jared Burger (27.36) closed out the top three.
=== Finals === 1 Herbst, Hendri S11 23 WPA-CP 27.12 27.24 2 van Heerden, Johann S 20 FS-MA 26.81 26.65 3 Burger, Jared S10 20 BCA-BO 27.48 27.36 4 Parkin, Charl S9 47 NMA-NM 30.53 30.42 5 Pretorius, Jean S10 19 WPA-CP 29.71 29.17 6 Victor, Scody S9 26 MRI 32.18 31.96 7 Mabuza, Thulane S10 17 CGA-JH 30.18 30.40 8 Williams, David S8 28 KZNA-ET 33.45 33.37 9 Malatji, Moses S8 23 CGA-JH 35.38 34.63 10 Shabangu, Tinyiko S10 17 CGA-JH 31.52 31.69
Women’s 50 free multi-class S14-S15
Christelle Kriel won the final in 30.89. Cornell Loubser (29.64) and Michaela Kretzen (33.65) ranked second and third.
=== Finals === 1 Kriel, Christelle S14 21 MP 31.34 30.89 2 Loubser, Cornell S15 21 NWS 29.72 29.64 3 Snyders, Maritza S15 19 KZNA-ET 35.60 34.88 -- Kretzen, Michaela S14 16 WPA-CP 34.19 DQ
Women’s 50 free multi-class S1-S13
Emily Gray grabbed the top-ranked time with a 32.53. Shireen Sapiro (31.56) and Shannon Martins (34.35) rounded out the top three ranked swims.
=== Finals === 1 Gray, Emily S9 24 NTS-TS 32.90 32.53 2 Sapiro, Shireen S10 25 KZNA-ET 35.43 31.56 3 Martins, Shannon S9 14 CGA-JH 34.68 34.35 4 Bloem, Michelle S10 13 NWS 35.26 34.51 5 Sabeka, Bongekile S10 17 CGA-JH 38.56 37.51 6 McKay, Tracy S8 45 KZNA-ET 44.49 42.53 7 Visser, Adri S5 28 CGA-JH 52.00 51.58 8 Mare, Simone S9 14 KZNA-ET 46.16 43.17 9 Nothling, Beth S5 26 KZNA-ET 55.62 53.72
Men’s 200 back
Martin Binedell claimed the 200 back title with a time of 2:01.35. Neil Fair finished second overall in 2:02.40, while Ricky Ellis picked up third overall in 2:02.72.
=== Finals === 1 Binedell, Martin 20 KZNA-ET 2:00.15 2:01.35 28.53 58.94 (30.41) 1:29.78 (30.84) 2:01.35 (31.57) 2 Fair, Neil 19 NTS-TS 2:02.10 2:02.40 28.57 58.94 (30.37) 1:30.43 (31.49) 2:02.40 (31.97) 3 Ellis, Ricky 28 CGA-JH 2:04.03 2:02.72 27.84 58.66 (30.82) 1:30.66 (32.00) 2:02.72 (32.06) 4 Ras, Ruan 19 NTS-TS 2:04.57 2:04.33 28.98 1:00.02 (31.04) 2:04.33 (1:04.31) 5 Fourie, Liam 21 WPA-CP 2:05.13 2:06.19 29.04 1:00.47 (31.43) 1:33.21 (32.74) 2:06.19 (32.98) 6 Norman, Brandon 21 CGA-JH 2:08.11 2:08.85 29.29 1:01.43 (32.14) 1:35.00 (33.57) 2:08.85 (33.85) 7 Ferreri, Alessio 17 CGA-JH 2:08.82 2:09.61 30.23 1:02.50 (32.27) 1:36.01 (33.51) 2:09.61 (33.60) 8 Anderson, Daniel 17 CGA-JH 2:10.34 2:09.66 30.09 1:02.78 (32.69) 1:36.17 (33.39) 2:09.66 (33.49) 9 Pretorius, Reynier 21 FS-MA 2:09.67 2:10.05 29.66 1:02.74 (33.08) 1:36.16 (33.42) 2:10.05 (33.89) 10 Jones, Wayne 21 NMA-NM 2:10.13 2:11.23 29.57 1:02.38 (32.81) 1:36.56 (34.18) 2:11.23 (34.67)
Men’s 200 IM
Dylan Bosch touched out Michael Meyer, 2:01.24 to 2:01.69, for the men’s 200-meter IM title. Both swims missed the FINA A cut of 2:00.28.
Jarryd Baxter took third overall in 2:03.21 with Neil Fair picking up fourth overall in 2:05.41.
=== Finals === 1 Bosch, Dylan 22 CGA-JH 2:04.31 2:01.24 26.35 56.16 (29.81) 1:31.80 (35.64) 2:01.24 (29.44) 2 Meyer, Michael 23 CGA-JH 2:06.32 2:01.69 26.59 56.94 (30.35) 1:32.10 (35.16) 2:01.69 (29.59) 3 Baxter, Jarryd 17 CGA-JH 2:04.66 2:03.21 27.62 57.43 (29.81) 1:34.33 (36.90) 2:03.21 (28.88) 4 Fair, Neil 19 NTS-TS 2:04.02 2:05.41 27.89 58.44 (30.55) 1:35.23 (36.79) 2:05.41 (30.18) 5 Odendaal, Dayne 19 KZNA-ET 2:09.58 2:07.39 27.86 1:01.09 (33.23) 1:37.48 (36.39) 2:07.39 (29.91) 6 Mullen, Damian 19 CGA-JH 2:06.26 2:07.43 27.43 59.54 (32.11) 1:37.67 (38.13) 2:07.43 (29.76) 7 Vorster, Eben 18 FS-MA 2:06.13 2:07.51 26.21 57.83 (31.62) 1:37.68 (39.85) 2:07.51 (29.83) 8 Ras, Christoff 18 LP-LP 2:10.93 2:11.64 28.49 1:02.67 (34.18) 1:39.96 (37.29) 2:11.64 (31.68) 9 Visser, Rudolf 19 WPA-CP 2:10.40 2:12.73 27.86 1:01.44 (33.58) 1:41.78 (40.34) 2:12.73 (30.95) -- Barry, Joshua 20 KZNA-ET 2:09.66 DQ 27.82 59.98 (32.16) 1:40.00 (40.02) DQ (28.97)
Men’s 50 fly multi-class S14-S15
Craig Groenewald topped the sprint fly event with a 29.34. Mark Roach (27.03) and Pierre Dellieu (28.46) made up the rest of the top three.
=== Finals === 1 Groenewald, Craig S14 37 CGA-JH 30.30 29.34 2 Roach, Mark S15 18 BCA-BO 27.14 27.03 3 Dellieu, Pierre S15 17 CGA-JH 28.98 28.46 4 Putz, Aaron S14 19 KZNA-ET 31.24 31.27 5 de Freitas, Raymond S 26 MP 32.98 33.02 6 O'Neil, Sean S14 31 KZNA-ET 36.47 37.60
Men’s 50 fly multi-class S1-S13
Achmat Hassiem won the finale in a time of 27.45. Johann van Heerden touched second in 28.46 with Jared Burger picked up third in 31.05.
=== Finals === 1 Hassiem, Achmat S10 33 WPA-CP 28.40 27.45 2 van Heerden, Johann S 20 FS-MA 28.58 28.46 3 Burger, Jared S10 20 BCA-BO 30.42 31.05 4 Williams, David S8 28 KZNA-ET 34.60 34.88 5 Pretorius, Jean S10 19 WPA-CP 32.50 32.86 6 van der Merwe, Kaleb 17 NTS-TS 37.43 37.10 7 Schutte, Jaco S10 18 KZNA-ET 33.36 33.53 8 Mabuza, Thulane S10 17 CGA-JH 33.65 34.58 9 Dludlu, Nkosimayibong 17 CGA-JH 38.48 39.07 10 Zwane, Kabelo S7 13 CGA-JH 41.16 41.98
Women’s 50 fly multi-class S14-S15
Cornell Loubser took the top time with a 30.02. Christelle Kriel finished second in 33.29 with Michaela Kretzen snaring third in 37.30.
=== Finals === 1 Loubser, Cornell S15 21 NWS 30.72 30.02 2 Kriel, Christelle S14 21 MP 33.57 33.29 3 Kretzen, Michaela S14 16 WPA-CP 36.60 37.30 4 Snyders, Maritza S15 19 KZNA-ET 39.41 38.88
Women’s 50 fly multi-class S1-S13
Shannon Martins (40.21), Adri Visser (52.02) and Michelle Bloem (41.77) competed in the finale.
=== Finals === 1 Martins, Shannon S9 14 CGA-JH 41.23 40.21 2 Visser, Adri S5 28 CGA-JH 51.62 52.02 3 Bloem, Michelle S10 13 NWS 41.89 41.77
Women’s 100 free
Karin Prinsloo won the title in a time of 56.12, while Erin Gallagher took second overall in 56.31. Tayla Lovemore wound up third overall in 56.98.
=== Finals === 1 Prinsloo, Karin 26 NTS-TS 56.54 56.12 26.93 56.12 (29.19) 2 Gallagher, Erin 17 KZNA-ET 56.30 56.31 26.38 56.31 (29.93) 3 Lovemore, Tayla 21 KZNA-ET 57.05 56.98 27.10 56.98 (29.88) 4 Ashley-Cooper, Jessic 23 WPA-CP 57.84 57.81 27.50 57.81 (30.31) 5 Passon, Felicity 16 SEY 57.63 57.94 28.02 57.94 (29.92) 6 Kemp, Lehesta 26 NTS-TS 58.14 57.97 27.13 57.97 (30.84) 7 Ross, Marlies 18 NTS-TS 57.13 58.32 27.83 58.32 (30.49) 8 Chelius, Emma 19 WPA-CP 58.53 58.53 28.27 58.53 (30.26) 9 Grobler, Gabi 16 CGA-JH 58.37 58.90 28.19 58.90 (30.71) 10 Labuschagne, Samantha 16 KZNA-ET 58.41 59.05 28.18 59.05 (30.87)
Men’s 50 free
Brad Tandy nearly posted a FINA A cut with a 22.28 to lead the way in semis. Doug Erasmus, meanwhile, posted a second-seeded time of 22.40. Tandy was faster during prelims with a FINA A cut 22.13.
Olympic gold medalist Roland Schoeman, who scratched the 100 free and potential 400 free relay spot to focus on the 50, qualified third in 22.69.
Reynard Wessels and Brett Walsh tied for fourth out of semis with 22.98s.
=== Semi-Finals === 1 Tandy, Brad 24 KZNA-ET 22.13 22.28 2 Erasmus, Douglas 26 NTS-TS 22.26 22.40 3 Schoeman, Roland 35 NTS-TS 22.77 22.69 4 Walsh, Brett 22 KZNA-ET 23.42 22.98 4 Wessels, Reynard 21 FS-MA 23.06 22.98 6 Waddell, Zane 18 FS-MA 23.08 23.04 7 Maritz, Armand 19 NTS-TS 23.31 23.23 8 Pheasant, Simon 24 NMA-NM 23.43 23.37 9 Muller, Caydon 20 NTS-TS 23.61 23.46 10 Van Niekerk, Kyle 18 CGA-JH 23.83 23.48 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Basson, Alaric 20 NMA-NM 23.64 23.57 12 Wetzlar, Peter 19 ZIM-ZZ 23.74 23.79 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 13 Hoole, Jarryd 20 BCA-BO 24.03 23.83 14 Skea, Tyrone 28 EGA-ES 23.74 23.92 15 Barry, Joshua 20 KZNA-ET 24.20 23.97 16 Bowers, Matthew 20 WPA-CP 24.02 24.10 17 Walters, Josh 19 KZNA-ET 24.10 24.13 18 Matthysen, Lucian 17 KZNA-ET 24.18 24.16 19 Pendock, Bryce 19 WPA-CP 24.12 24.28 20 Langeveldt, Marno 22 NTS-TS 24.17 24.46
Women’s 200 back
Nathania Van Niekerk cranked out the top time with a 2:11.53, while Marielle Venter finished second overall in a time of 2:13.36. Samantha Randle picked up the third seed in 2:17.71.
=== Semi-Finals === 1 Van Niekerk, Nathania 17 CGA-JH 2:15.10 2:11.53 31.57 1:04.42 (32.85) 1:37.77 (33.35) 2:11.53 (33.76) 2 Venter, Mariella 16 CGA-JH 2:16.44 2:13.36 31.65 1:05.38 (33.73) 2:13.36 (1:07.98) 3 Randle, Samantha 17 NTS-TS 2:18.12 2:17.71 33.43 1:08.22 (34.79) 1:43.22 (35.00) 2:17.71 (34.49) 4 Beukes, Jessica 15 NMA-NM 2:20.08 2:19.78 33.28 1:07.67 (34.39) 1:43.63 (35.96) 2:19.78 (36.15) 5 Sainsbury, Catherine 18 KZNA-ET 2:20.79 2:19.91 33.12 1:08.87 (35.75) 1:44.97 (36.10) 2:19.91 (34.94) 6 Grobler, Gabi 16 CGA-JH 2:22.16 2:20.21 33.16 1:08.80 (35.64) 1:44.63 (35.83) 2:20.21 (35.58) 7 Osrin, Honey 13 WPA-CP 2:21.64 2:20.50 32.49 1:08.41 (35.92) 1:44.84 (36.43) 2:20.50 (35.66) 8 Straszacker, Kristen 16 WPA-CP 2:24.27 2:21.47 33.14 1:09.39 (36.25) 1:45.93 (36.54) 2:21.47 (35.54) 9 Meder, Abi 15 WPA-CP 2:24.73 2:21.61 33.92 1:09.60 (35.68) 2:21.61 (1:12.01) 10 Botha, Carmen 16 NTS-TS 2:23.56 2:22.44 33.38 1:08.48 (35.10) 2:22.44 (1:13.96) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Van Rooyen, Carissa 13 CGA-JH 2:22.99 2:22.95 33.76 1:09.58 (35.82) 1:46.90 (37.32) 2:22.95 (36.05) 12 Loubser, Roseline 17 WPA-CP 2:23.65 2:23.60 33.10 1:09.74 (36.64) 1:47.10 (37.36) 2:23.60 (36.50) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 13 Goodhead, Julia 16 CGA-JH 2:24.09 2:24.49 33.90 1:10.15 (36.25) 1:47.52 (37.37) 2:24.49 (36.97) 14 Rip, Casey 16 KZNA-ET 2:26.33 2:24.57 33.38 1:09.42 (36.04) 1:46.95 (37.53) 2:24.57 (37.62) 15 Thevenau, Celine 15 KZNA-ET 2:23.53 2:24.73 34.05 1:10.88 (36.83) 2:24.73 (1:13.85) 16 Basel, Alison 18 CGA-JH 2:25.72 2:25.34 34.28 1:10.98 (36.70) 1:48.61 (37.63) 2:25.34 (36.73) 17 Blakemore, Kyla 14 KZNA-ET 2:25.40 2:26.03 33.88 1:10.32 (36.44) 1:48.45 (38.13) 2:26.03 (37.58) 18 Van Voorst, Georgia 14 KZNA-ET 2:26.37 2:26.63 34.29 1:11.34 (37.05) 1:49.39 (38.05) 2:26.63 (37.24) 19 Tarr, Emma 14 CGA-JH 2:25.85 2:26.77 33.97 1:11.03 (37.06) 1:49.28 (38.25) 2:26.77 (37.49) 20 Duma, Khwezi 14 CGA-JH 2:26.35 2:27.58 33.27 1:09.75 (36.48) 1:48.04 (38.29) 2:27.58 (39.54)
Men’s 100 fly
Chad le Clos raced his way to a 51.91 to lead qualifying in the 100 fly tonight. He went faster this morning with a 51.81 to stand sixth in the world rankings, along with clearing the FINA A cut.
Ryan Coetzee finished second in semis with a 53.44, while Dylan Bosch qualified third in 54.04.
Looking to improve its potential Olympic relay seeding, South Africa time trialed a men’s 400-meter medley relay with Christopher Reid (53.52), Cameron van der Burgh (58.95), Chad le Clos (51.59) and Calvyn Justus (49.74) for a 3:33.80.
=== Semi-Finals === 1 Le Clos, Chad 23 KZNA-ET 51.81 51.91 24.35 51.91 (27.56) 2 Coetzee, Ryan 20 NTS-TS 53.82 53.44 24.58 53.44 (28.86) 3 Bosch, Dylan 22 CGA-JH 53.67 54.04 25.74 54.04 (28.30) 4 Meyer, Nico 24 CGA-JH 54.58 54.13 25.59 54.13 (28.54) 5 Basson, Alard 20 NMA-NM 54.80 54.56 25.97 54.56 (28.59) 6 Walsh, Brett 22 KZNA-ET 54.30 54.64 25.54 54.64 (29.10) 7 Zorzi, Giulio 27 NTS-TS 55.52 54.97 25.24 54.97 (29.73) 8 Vorster, Eben 18 FS-MA 54.84 55.03 25.84 55.03 (29.19) 9 Goveia, Ralph 20 NTS-TS 54.85 55.07 26.99 55.07 (28.08) 10 DU Rand, George 33 NTS-TS 55.44 55.80 25.09 55.80 (30.71) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Hoole, Jarryd 20 BCA-BO 56.17 55.94 26.76 55.94 (29.18) 12 vd Merwe, JP 22 NTS-TS 56.38 56.10 26.30 56.10 (29.80) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 13 Levy, Brendan 18 KZNA-ET 56.65 56.11 27.35 56.11 (28.76) 14 Fuchs, Ude 18 LP-LP 56.34 56.19 26.35 56.19 (29.84) 15 Phillips, Connor 19 WPA-CP 56.85 56.45 26.44 56.45 (30.01) 16 Minnaar, Johann 20 WPA-CP 56.42 56.57 26.60 56.57 (29.97) 17 Scheepers, Willie 29 NWS 56.20 56.58 25.92 56.58 (30.66) 18 Walters, Josh 19 KZNA-ET 56.71 56.67 26.12 56.67 (30.55) 19 Skea, Tyrone 28 EGA-ES 56.93 56.99 26.07 56.99 (30.92) 20 Wetzlar, Peter 19 ZIM-ZZ 56.55 57.11 26.19 57.11 (30.92)
- Men’s 50 free semis
- Women’s 200 breast finals
- Men’s 50 free multi-class
- Women’s 50 free multi-class
- Men’s 200 back finals
- Women’s 200 back semis
- Men’s 200 IM finals
- Men’s 50 fly multi-class
- Women’s 50 fly multi-class
- Women’s 100 free finals
- Men’s 100 fly semis
- Women’s 200 free relay
- Men’s 200 free relay