2016 NCAA Division III Championships: Day 3 Finals Live Recap

Photo Courtesy: Diana Pimer

The third day of competition at the 2016 NCAA Division III Swimming and Diving National Championships in Greensboro saw many fast swims.

The Emory women extended their lead over Kenyon. Williams, Denison, and Johns Hopkins all are in the top five.

Denison also maintained their lead, but Kenyon is close behind on the men’s side. Emory, Johns Hopkins, and MIT all have spots in the top five.

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Click here for Friday morning’s recap.

Click here for day two results.

Current Men’s Team Scores

Men - Team Rankings - Through Event 28                      
  1. Denison                         364.5   2. Kenyon                          331.5
  3. Emory                             249   4. Johns Hopkins                     200
  5. Mit                             179.5   6. Williams                        172.5
  7. Tcnj                              130   8. Wash U. MO                        108
  9. Claremont MS                    100.5  10. New York Univ                      89
 11. Rowan                              68  12. Tufts                              66
 13. St. Thomas                         55  14. Conn College                       52
 15. Chicago                          48.5  16. Calvin                             47
 16. Keene St.                          47  18. Suny Fredonia                      42
 19. DePauw                             41  20. Washington & Lee                   37
 21. Suny Geneseo                       36  22. Wpi                                32
 23. Stevens                            31  24. Amherst                            29
 25. Pomona-Pitzer                      28  26. Albion                             27
 27. Wheaton IL                       26.5  28. Carnegie Mellon                    26
 29. Whitworth                          22  30. Case Western                       21
 31. York College                       20  32. Merchant Marine Academy            19
 33. Union                              16  34. St. Lawrence                       15
 34. Lake Forest                        15  36. Buffalo St.                        14
 36. Wabash                             14  38. Rose-Hulman                        13
 39. Goucher                            11  39. Mary Washington                    11
 41. U W-Stevens Point                  10  42. Baldwin Wallace                     9
 42. Sarah Lawrence                      9  44. Gettysburg                          7
 45. Ohio Northern                       6  45. St. Olaf                            6
 47. Widener                           5.5  48. Bowdoin                             5
 49. Wesleyan                            3  50. Birmingham Southern                 2
 50. Trinity U.                          2  52. Grinnell                            1

Current Women’s Team Scores

  Women - Team Rankings - Through Event 29                     
  1. Emory                             407   2. Kenyon                            338
  3. Williams                          258   4. Denison                           238
  5. Johns Hopkins                     149   6. Amherst                           131
  7. Wash U. MO                        103   8. U W-Eau Claire                    102
  9. Wheaton IL                        100  10. New York Univ                      95
 11. Mit                                86  12. Bates                              82
 13. Chicago                            66  14. Conn College                       61
 15. St. Thomas                         48  16. Pomona-Pitzer                      41
 17. Calvin                             37  18. Illinois Wesleyan                  27
 19. DePauw                             23  20. Springfield                        22
 21. Ithaca                             20  22. Mount Holyoke                      19
 23. Middlebury                         18  24. Suny Fredonia                      17
 24. Luther                             17  26. Bowdoin                            16
 26. Colorado College                   16  26. Hope                               16
 29. Keene St.                          15  29. Washington & Lee                   15
 29. Rpi                                15  32. Vassar                             14
 32. Mary Washington                    14  32. Rochester Inst of Tech             14
 35. Centre                             13  36. Trinity U.                         12
 36. Rose-Hulman                        12  36. Suny Brockport                     12
 39. Wpi                                11  39. Grove City                         11
 39. William Smith                      11  39. Stevens                            11
 43. Ursinus                             9  44. U W-Whitewater                      7
 45. Wellesley                           6  46. Tufts                               5
 47. Redlands                            2  47. Gustavus                            2
 47. Kalamazoo                           2  50. Mills                               1
 50. Suny Cortland                       1

Men’s 200 Fly

MIT’s Dougie Kogut won the first event of the evening, posting a time of 1:47.28. The sophomore dropped over a second from his prelims time to win his first individual National Championship title.

Amhert’s Jeff Anderson took second in 1:47.60 and Carnegie Mellon’s Mitchell Riek finished third in 1:47.68.

Saint Thomas’ Mike Lanz (1:48.16), Connecticut’s George Tilneac (1:48.21), Claremont’s Matt Valentine (1:48.70), Kenyon’s Jonathan Zimdars (1:50.13), and Goucher’s Morgan Richter (1:50.59) completed the top eight.

=== Championship Final ===                        
  1 Kogut, Douglas   SO MIT               1:48.45    1:47.28         20  
                 23.41        50.19 (26.78)
        1:18.08 (27.89)     1:47.28 (29.20)
  2 Anderson, Jeff   SR Amherst           1:48.14    1:47.60         17  
                 24.72        52.43 (27.71)
        1:20.08 (27.65)     1:47.60 (27.52)
  3 Riek, Mitchell   FR Carnegie Mellon   1:48.27    1:47.68         16  
                 24.55        51.92 (27.37)
        1:19.33 (27.41)     1:47.68 (28.35)
  4 Lanz, Mike       SR St. Thomas        1:48.85    1:48.16         15  
                 23.84        51.67 (27.83)
        1:19.52 (27.85)     1:48.16 (28.64)
  5 Tilneac, George  SO Conn College      1:48.80    1:48.21         14  
                 24.93        52.64 (27.71)
        1:20.15 (27.51)     1:48.21 (28.06)
  6 Valentine, Matt  SR CMS               1:48.71    1:48.70         13  
                 24.05        51.92 (27.87)
        1:20.05 (28.13)     1:48.70 (28.65)
  7 Zimdars, Jonath  FR Kenyon            1:48.70    1:50.13         12  
                 24.77        52.93 (28.16)
        1:21.23 (28.30)     1:50.13 (28.90)
  8 Richter, Morgan  SR Goucher           1:49.12    1:50.59         11  
                 25.43        53.91 (28.48)
        1:22.22 (28.31)     1:50.59 (28.37)
                        === Consolation Final ===                        
  9 Martinez, Camer  SR Sarah Lawrence    1:49.35    1:48.22          9  
                 24.11        52.02 (27.91)
        1:20.02 (28.00)     1:48.22 (28.20)
 10 Wilson, Mark     SO Johns Hopkins     1:50.34    1:49.15          7  
                 24.02        51.74 (27.72)
        1:20.08 (28.34)     1:49.15 (29.07)
 11 Schlueter, Luke  SR MIT               1:49.21    1:49.28          6  
                 24.22        51.63 (27.41)
        1:20.19 (28.56)     1:49.28 (29.09)
 12 Williams, Rober  FR Denison           1:49.72    1:49.63          5  
                 24.85        52.65 (27.80)
        1:21.28 (28.63)     1:49.63 (28.35)
 13 Tam, Aaron       SR Case Western      1:49.76    1:50.02          4  
                 25.27        53.33 (28.06)
        1:21.48 (28.15)     1:50.02 (28.54)
 14 Lum, Brandon     FR Wash U. MO        1:50.15    1:50.53          3  
                 24.78        52.48 (27.70)
        1:21.14 (28.66)     1:50.53 (29.39)
 15 Wohl, Michael    FR Johns Hopkins     1:50.19    1:50.62          2  
                 24.41        52.39 (27.98)
        1:21.32 (28.93)     1:50.62 (29.30)
 16 Dalton, Reed     SR Wash U. MO        1:49.76    1:51.39          1  
                 25.00        53.35 (28.35)
        1:21.59 (28.24)     1:51.39 (29.80)

Women’s 200 Fly

After taking the top seed during prelims, Washington U’s Amanda Stadermann went on to win the event in a time of 2:00.53. The senior also placed fourth in the 100 fly yesterday.

Williams’ Megan Pierce finished second in 2:01.07 and Emory’s Rebecca Upton took third in 2:01.30.

RPI’s Shanny Lin (2:01.55), Vassar’s Julia Cunningham (2:01.92), Kenyon’s Mariah Williamson (2:02.23), Denison’s Halli Garza (2:03.61), and Emory’s Megan Campbell (2:06.23) rounded out the top eight.

=== Championship Final ===                        
  1 Stadermann, Ama  SR Wash U. MO        2:01.07    2:00.53         20  
                 27.21        57.65 (30.44)
        1:28.58 (30.93)     2:00.53 (31.95)
  2 Pierce, Megan    JR Williams          2:02.20    2:01.07         17  
                 27.50        58.16 (30.66)
        1:29.42 (31.26)     2:01.07 (31.65)
  3 Upton, Rebecca   SO Emory             2:02.06    2:01.30         16  
                 27.55        57.97 (30.42)
        1:29.25 (31.28)     2:01.30 (32.05)
  4 Lin, Shanny      SO RPI               2:02.39    2:01.55         15  
                 27.59        58.19 (30.60)
        1:29.53 (31.34)     2:01.55 (32.02)
  5 Cunningham, Jul  JR VASSAR            2:02.25    2:01.92         14  
                 27.45        58.44 (30.99)
        1:29.89 (31.45)     2:01.92 (32.03)
  6 Williamson, Mar  SR Kenyon            2:01.60    2:02.23         13  
                 27.99        58.88 (30.89)
        1:30.52 (31.64)     2:02.23 (31.71)
  7 Garza, Halli     SO Denison           2:03.43    2:03.61         12  
                 27.53        58.30 (30.77)
        1:30.17 (31.87)     2:03.61 (33.44)
  8 Campbell, Megan  SO Emory             2:03.77    2:06.23         11  
                 27.80        59.58 (31.78)
        1:32.42 (32.84)     2:06.23 (33.81)
                        === Consolation Final ===                        
  9 Chan, Shirley    JR Johns Hopkins     2:05.07    2:02.75          9  
                 27.59        58.51 (30.92)
        1:30.56 (32.05)     2:02.75 (32.19)
 10 Baker, Clara     FR Ursinus           2:05.12    2:03.60          7  
                 27.21        59.35 (32.14)
        1:31.46 (32.11)     2:03.60 (32.14)
 11 Urban, Valerie   JR Conn College      2:05.18    2:03.94          6  
                 28.35        59.60 (31.25)
        1:31.53 (31.93)     2:03.94 (32.41)
 12 Doolan, Colleen  FR Tufts             2:04.98    2:04.11          5  
                 27.75        58.95 (31.20)
        1:31.09 (32.14)     2:04.11 (33.02)
 13 Bilko, Megan     SR Grove City        2:04.46    2:04.91          4  
                 29.51      1:01.12 (31.61)
        1:33.15 (32.03)     2:04.91 (31.76)
 14 Jurczyk, Sarah   SO Stevens           2:05.30    2:05.20          3  
                 28.16        59.95 (31.79)
        1:32.67 (32.72)     2:05.20 (32.53)
 15 Downs, Madeline  SO Williams          2:05.19    2:05.32          2  
                 28.76      1:00.71 (31.95)
        1:33.12 (32.41)     2:05.32 (32.20)
 16 Berkay, Melissa  JR Mills College     2:04.45    2:05.45          1  
                 28.75      1:00.24 (31.49)
        1:32.18 (31.94)     2:05.45 (33.27)

Men’s 100 Back

Claremont’s Matthew Williams won with a time of 47.57, one of only two swimmers under the 48 second mark. The junior dropped time from this morning to win his first National title.

Williams’ Benjamin Lin was second in 47.89 and MIT’s Bo Mattix took third in 48.68.

Tufts’ Michael Winget (48.76), Connecticut’s Michael Fothergill (48.90), Denison’s Jason Wesseling (48.97), Williams’ Alex McCarter (48.97), and Tufts’ Kingsley Bowen (49.13) also competed in the top eight.


=== Championship Final ===                        
  1 Williams, Matth  JR CMS                 48.09      47.57         20  
                 23.18        47.57 (24.39)
  2 Lin, Benjamin    JR Williams            47.42      47.89         17  
                 22.55        47.89 (25.34)
  3 Mattix, Bo       SR MIT                 48.50      48.68         16  
                 23.40        48.68 (25.28)
  4 Winget, Michael  SR Tufts               49.26      48.76         15  
                 23.99        48.76 (24.77)
  5 Fothergill, Mic  JR Conn College        49.32      48.90         14  
                 23.35        48.90 (25.55)
  6 Wesseling, Jaso  SO Denison             48.81      48.97         12.5
                 23.89        48.97 (25.08)
  6 McCarter, Alex   SR Williams            49.11      48.97         12.5
                 23.88        48.97 (25.09)
  8 Bowen, Kingsley  FR Tufts               49.13      49.13         11  
                 23.78        49.13 (25.35)
                        === Consolation Final ===                        
  9 Lednev, Alex     SR MIT                 49.39      49.09          9  
                 23.69        49.09 (25.40)
 10 Smith, Daniel    FR MIT                 49.54      49.40          6.5
                 23.92        49.40 (25.48)
 10 Szymczak, Chris  FR Wheaton IL          49.57      49.40          6.5
                 23.76        49.40 (25.64)
 12 Kuyl, Emile      FR Johns Hopkins       49.56      49.49          5  
                 23.86        49.49 (25.63)
 13 Anderson, Oscar  JR Kenyon              49.37      49.54          4  
                 24.11        49.54 (25.43)
 14 Hogan, Colin     JR Williams            49.56      49.99          3  
                 24.09        49.99 (25.90)
 15 Smith, Jason     SO Whitworth           49.37      50.07          2  
                 24.67        50.07 (25.40)
 16 Betts, Adam      SO NYU                 49.55      50.41          1  
                 24.55        50.41 (25.86)

Women’s 100 Back

Saint Thomas’ Emma Paulson won the event in 54.43. This is the junior’s second individual win of the meet after winning the women’s 50 free on the first day.

Luther’s Clare Slagel took second in 54.78 and Williams’ Katherine Bennett was third in 55.00.

Emory’s Cindy Cheng (55.01), Emory’s Ellie Thompson (55.20), Washington & Lee’s Emily Rollo (55.44), Rose-Hulman’s Eleanore Hong (55.71), and Chicago’s Melissa Bischoff (56.03) completed the top eight.

 === Championship Final ===                        
  1 Paulson, Emma    JR St. Thomas          54.72      54.43         20  
                 26.24        54.43 (28.19)
  2 Slagel, Clare    SR Luther              54.47      54.78         17  
                 26.16        54.78 (28.62)
  3 Bennett, Kather  SR Williams            54.74      55.00         16  
                 26.90        55.00 (28.10)
  4 Cheng, Cindy     SO Emory               55.24      55.01         15  
                 26.25        55.01 (28.76)
  5 Thompson, Ellie  SR Emory               55.34      55.20         14  
                 26.49        55.20 (28.71)
  6 Rollo, Emily     JR W&L                 55.37      55.44         13  
                 26.90        55.44 (28.54)
  7 Hong, Eleanore   JR Rose-Hulman         55.70      55.71         12  
                 27.14        55.71 (28.57)
  8 Bischoff, Melis  SO Chicago             55.66      56.03         11  
                 26.71        56.03 (29.32)
                        === Consolation Final ===                        
  9 Nitz, Kirsten    SR Wheaton IL          55.81      54.86          9  
                 26.41        54.86 (28.45)
 10 Jackson, Olivia  JR Williams            55.73      55.52          7  
                 27.10        55.52 (28.42)
 11 Liu, Claire      JR Emory               56.40      55.75          6  
                 26.71        55.75 (29.04)
 12 Jedryka, Veroni  JR MIT                 56.17      55.82          5  
                 27.14        55.82 (28.68)
 13 Ling, Angela     FR Pomona-Pitzer       56.12      55.95          4  
                 27.11        55.95 (28.84)
 14 Wisniewski, Ann  SO Johns Hopkins       55.90      56.32          3  
                 27.33        56.32 (28.99)
 15 Hoecker, Baylee  JR IWU                 56.09      56.33          2  
                 27.73        56.33 (28.60)
 16 Yearwood, Ashle  SR Denison             55.96      56.91          1  
                 27.31        56.91 (29.60)
 === Championship Final ===                        
  1 Paulson, Emma    JR St. Thomas          54.72      54.43         20  
                 26.24        54.43 (28.19)
  2 Slagel, Clare    SR Luther              54.47      54.78         17  
                 26.16        54.78 (28.62)
  3 Bennett, Kather  SR Williams            54.74      55.00         16  
                 26.90        55.00 (28.10)
  4 Cheng, Cindy     SO Emory               55.24      55.01         15  
                 26.25        55.01 (28.76)
  5 Thompson, Ellie  SR Emory               55.34      55.20         14  
                 26.49        55.20 (28.71)
  6 Rollo, Emily     JR W&L                 55.37      55.44         13  
                 26.90        55.44 (28.54)
  7 Hong, Eleanore   JR Rose-Hulman         55.70      55.71         12  
                 27.14        55.71 (28.57)
  8 Bischoff, Melis  SO Chicago             55.66      56.03         11  
                 26.71        56.03 (29.32)
                        === Consolation Final ===                        
  9 Nitz, Kirsten    SR Wheaton IL          55.81      54.86          9  
                 26.41        54.86 (28.45)
 10 Jackson, Olivia  JR Williams            55.73      55.52          7  
                 27.10        55.52 (28.42)
 11 Liu, Claire      JR Emory               56.40      55.75          6  
                 26.71        55.75 (29.04)
 12 Jedryka, Veroni  JR MIT                 56.17      55.82          5  
                 27.14        55.82 (28.68)
 13 Ling, Angela     FR Pomona-Pitzer       56.12      55.95          4  
                 27.11        55.95 (28.84)
 14 Wisniewski, Ann  SO Johns Hopkins       55.90      56.32          3  
                 27.33        56.32 (28.99)
 15 Hoecker, Baylee  JR IWU                 56.09      56.33          2  
                 27.73        56.33 (28.60)
 16 Yearwood, Ashle  SR Denison             55.96      56.91          1  
                 27.31        56.91 (29.60)

Men’s 100 Breast

York’s Kyle Walthall narrowly won the event in 53.67. The senior dropped over one second from his seed time to take the title this evening.

Washington U’s Michael Lagieski finished a close second in 53.70 and TCNJ’s James Shangle was third in 54.41.

Calvin’s Johnson Cochran (54.82), Wabash’s Zechariah Banks (54.94), Kenyon’s Trevor Manz (55.10), Emory’s Cooper Tollen (55.27), and MIT’s Justin Chiu (55.46) rounded out the top eight.


=== Championship Final ===                        
  1 Walthall, Kyle   SR York                53.77      53.67         20  
                 25.27        53.67 (28.40)
  2 Lagieski, Micha  JR Wash U. MO          54.24      53.70         17  
                 25.11        53.70 (28.59)
  3 Shangle, James   SR TCNJ                54.66      54.41         16  
                 25.58        54.41 (28.83)
  4 Cochran, Johnso  SR Calvin              55.02      54.82         15  
                 25.98        54.82 (28.84)
  5 Banks, Zecharia  SR Wabash              55.16      54.94         14  
                 25.83        54.94 (29.11)
  6 Manz, Trevor     JR Kenyon              54.98      55.10         13  
                 25.63        55.10 (29.47)
  7 Tollen, Cooper   SO Emory               55.46      55.27         12  
                 25.72        55.27 (29.55)
  8 Chiu, Justin     SO MIT                 55.49      55.46         11  
                 25.99        55.46 (29.47)
                        === Consolation Final ===                        
  9 Thompson, Tyler  SO Baldwin Wallace     55.63      55.15          9  
                 25.10        55.15 (30.05)
 10 Tamposi, Jake    SR Williams            55.61      55.25          7  
                 25.97        55.25 (29.28)
 11 Keriazes, Trevo  SO Ohio Northern       55.57      55.40          6  
                 25.65        55.40 (29.75)
 12 Lefeber, Joshua  SR Stevens             55.92      55.70          5  
                 26.39        55.70 (29.31)
 13 Penson, Elliot   SR Wheaton IL          55.81      55.82          4  
                 26.40        55.82 (29.42)
 14 Dougherty, Tyle  SO Gettysburg          56.06      56.17          3  
                 26.49        56.17 (29.68)
 15 Davis, Mitchell  SO DePauw              56.01      56.23          2  
                 25.81        56.23 (30.42)
 16 Kou, Timothy     SO NYU                 55.71      56.43          1  
                 26.36        56.43 (30.07)

Women’s 100 Breast

UW-Eau Claire’s Samantha Senczyszyn dropped time from her morning swim to win the event in 1:01.09. This is the freshman’s first National title after placing third in the 200 IM earlier this meet.

Amhert’s Emily Hyde took second in 1:01.64 and Kenyon’s Julia Wilson finished third in 1:01.95.

Springfield’s Emily Medeiros (1:02.45), Emory’s Annelise Kowalsky (1:02.84), Denison’s Marissa Bednarek (1:02.93), Emory’s Ashley Daniels (1:02.95), and William Smith’s Caroline Conboy (1:03.05) completed the top eight.

=== Championship Final ===                        
  1 Senczyszyn, Sam  FR U W-Eau Claire    1:01.57    1:01.09         20  
                 28.51      1:01.09 (32.58)
  2 Hyde, Emily      SR Amherst           1:01.93    1:01.64         17  
                 28.97      1:01.64 (32.67)
  3 Wilson, Julia    SO Kenyon            1:02.11    1:01.95         16  
                 29.25      1:01.95 (32.70)
  4 Medeiros, Emily  JR Springfield       1:02.78    1:02.45         15  
                 29.96      1:02.45 (32.49)
  5 Kowalsky, Annel  JR Emory             1:02.82    1:02.84         14  
                 29.63      1:02.84 (33.21)
  6 Bednarek, Maris  SR Denison           1:03.07    1:02.93         13  
                 29.12      1:02.93 (33.81)
  7 Daniels, Ashley  FR Emory             1:03.12    1:02.95         12  
                 29.42      1:02.95 (33.53)
  8 Conboy, Carolin  JR William Smith     1:02.85    1:03.05         11  
                 29.66      1:03.05 (33.39)
                        === Consolation Final ===                        
  9 Aronoff, Elizab  SR Emory             1:03.62    1:03.14          9  
                 29.62      1:03.14 (33.52)
 10 Carle, Alyssa    SR Springfield       1:04.12    1:03.25          7  
                 30.14      1:03.25 (33.11)
 11 Jones, Kaitlin   SO Johns Hopkins     1:03.63    1:03.62          6  
                 29.58      1:03.62 (34.04)
 12 Kaestner, Katie  SR Kenyon            1:03.60    1:03.64          5  
                 29.66      1:03.64 (33.98)
 13 Duncan, Laura    JR Kenyon            1:04.02    1:03.77          4  
                 29.64      1:03.77 (34.13)
 14 Lamastra, Gwyne  SO Johns Hopkins     1:04.19    1:03.87          3  
                 30.03      1:03.87 (33.84)
 15 Rawding, Mariah  SO Bowdoin           1:04.09    1:04.17          2  
                 30.46      1:04.17 (33.71)
 16 Bagley, Erin     JR Wheaton IL        1:03.68    1:04.51          1  
                 30.33      1:04.51 (34.18)

Men’s 1m Diving

Denison’s Ben Lewis, who took second on the 3m, dove to first place on the 1m board. The senior’s score of 555.35 was 33.6 points better than the runner-up.

Fredonia’s Arron Carlson dove to second with 521.75 and Geneseo’s Samuel Randall took third with 519.75.

Denison’s Max Levy (493.55), Denison’s Brian Allen (481.25), Albion’s Jake Burris (463.75), Tuft’s Matthew Rohrer (460.90), and Lake Forest’s Heath Ogawa (419.35) rounded out the top eight.

Men’s 800 Free Relay

Denison’s Ryan Fleming (1:38.11), Jackson Lindell (1:37.86), Bradley Stevenson (1:38.68), and Joe Brunk (1:37.90) won a very close and exciting race with a time of 6:32.55.

Johns Hopkins’ David Knox, Evan Holder, Andrew Greenhalgh, and Michael Wohl took a close second in 6:32.71. Emory’s Christian Baker, Thomas Gordon, Alexander Kohlman, and Hayes Burdette-Sapp finished third in 6:35.36.

Kenyon (6:36.10), TCNJ (6:37.02), NYU (6:40.70), WPI (6:41.26), and Saint Thomas (6:41.39) completed the top eight.

1 Denison                                  6:32.55         40  
     1) Fleming, Ryan SR              2) Lindell, Jackson JR          
     3) Stevenson, Bradley FR         4) Brunk, Joe SR                
                 22.87        47.63 (47.63)
      1:12.67 (1:12.67)   1:38.11 (1:38.11)
        2:00.37 (22.26)     2:25.67 (47.56)
      2:51.36 (1:13.25)   3:15.97 (1:37.86)
        3:38.69 (22.72)     4:04.01 (48.04)
      4:29.50 (1:13.53)   4:54.65 (1:38.68)
        5:17.05 (22.40)     5:41.71 (47.06)
      6:07.03 (1:12.38)   6:32.55 (1:37.90)
  2 Johns Hopkins                            6:32.71         34  
     1) Knox, Davis SO                2) Holder, Evan JR              
     3) Greenhalgh, Andrew JR         4) Wohl, Michael FR             
                 23.78        48.84 (48.84)
      1:14.15 (1:14.15)   1:39.57 (1:39.57)
        2:01.28 (21.71)     2:25.69 (46.12)
      2:50.70 (1:11.13)   3:16.65 (1:37.08)
        3:39.49 (22.84)     4:03.99 (47.34)
      4:29.23 (1:12.58)   4:54.79 (1:38.14)
        5:16.87 (22.08)     5:41.64 (46.85)
      6:07.24 (1:12.45)   6:32.71 (1:37.92)
  3 Emory                                    6:35.36         32  
     1) Baker, Christian JR           2) Gordon, Thomas FR            
     3) Kohlman, Alexander FR         4) Burdette-Sapp, Hayes JR      
                 22.84        47.46 (47.46)
      1:12.65 (1:12.65)   1:37.83 (1:37.83)
        2:00.39 (22.56)     2:25.79 (47.96)
      2:51.06 (1:13.23)   3:15.91 (1:38.08)
        3:38.33 (22.42)     4:03.30 (47.39)
      4:29.47 (1:13.56)   4:56.12 (1:40.21)
        5:19.32 (23.20)     5:44.30 (48.18)
      6:09.30 (1:13.18)   6:35.36 (1:39.24)
  4 Kenyon                                   6:36.10         30  
     1) Leenhouts, Matthew SO         2) Duronio, Joey SR             
     3) Conover, Arthur JR            4) Seaver, Alexander JR         
                 23.16        47.92 (47.92)
      1:13.35 (1:13.35)   1:39.06 (1:39.06)
        2:01.03 (21.97)     2:25.99 (46.93)
      2:51.40 (1:12.34)   3:17.99 (1:38.93)
        3:41.29 (23.30)     4:06.60 (48.61)
      4:31.80 (1:13.81)   4:56.61 (1:38.62)
        5:18.76 (22.15)     5:43.83 (47.22)
      6:09.77 (1:13.16)   6:36.10 (1:39.49)
  5 TCNJ                                     6:37.02         28  
     1) Gajdzisz, Ryan JR             2) Binaco, Philip SO            
     3) Vitabile, Scott JR            4) Ivins, Jason JR              
                 22.94        48.12 (48.12)
      1:13.74 (1:13.74)   1:39.60 (1:39.60)
        2:02.43 (22.83)     2:28.10 (48.50)
      2:54.11 (1:14.51)   3:19.80 (1:40.20)
        3:42.29 (22.49)     4:07.82 (48.02)
      4:33.38 (1:13.58)   4:58.81 (1:39.01)
        5:20.81 (22.00)     5:45.41 (46.60)
      6:11.13 (1:12.32)   6:37.02 (1:38.21)
  6 NYU                                      6:40.70         26  
     1) Phillips, Maxwell JR          2) Wang, Daryl FR               
     3) Palmer, Austin SO             4) Kou, Timothy SO              
                 23.13        48.03 (48.03)
      1:13.59 (1:13.59)   1:39.24 (1:39.24)
        2:02.66 (23.42)     2:28.47 (49.23)
      2:54.80 (1:15.56)   3:21.47 (1:42.23)
        3:44.45 (22.98)     4:10.02 (48.55)
      4:35.54 (1:14.07)   5:01.21 (1:39.74)
        5:23.75 (22.54)     5:48.97 (47.76)
      6:14.90 (1:13.69)   6:40.70 (1:39.49)
  7 WPI                                      6:41.26         24  
     1) Powers, Alex SR               2) Smallwood, David SO          
     3) Hughes, Nathan SR             4) Bauer, Andrew JR             
                 23.12        48.80 (48.80)
      1:14.68 (1:14.68)   1:41.56 (1:41.56)
        2:03.75 (22.19)     2:29.02 (47.46)
      2:55.43 (1:13.87)   3:21.83 (1:40.27)
        3:45.13 (23.30)     4:11.02 (49.19)
      4:36.83 (1:15.00)   5:03.06 (1:41.23)
        5:25.41 (22.35)     5:50.68 (47.62)
      6:15.92 (1:12.86)   6:41.26 (1:38.20)
  8 St. Thomas                               6:41.39         22  
     1) Melton, Warren SO             2) Biwer, Bailey SO             
     3) Anderson, Brady SO            4) Lanz, Mike SR                
                 23.08        48.14 (48.14)
      1:13.65 (1:13.65)   1:39.39 (1:39.39)
        2:02.54 (23.15)     2:28.45 (49.06)
      2:54.48 (1:15.09)   3:20.03 (1:40.64)
        3:42.94 (22.91)     4:09.14 (49.11)
      4:35.53 (1:15.50)   5:02.42 (1:42.39)
        5:24.59 (22.17)     5:49.81 (47.39)
      6:15.68 (1:13.26)   6:41.39 (1:38.97)
  9 Williams                                 6:41.83         18  
     1) Maher, Curtis FR              2) Finnegan, James FR           
     3) McCarter, Alex SR             4) Johnson, Grant JR            
                 22.75        47.85 (47.85)
      1:13.81 (1:13.81)   1:39.67 (1:39.67)
        2:01.88 (22.21)     2:27.17 (47.50)
      2:53.71 (1:14.04)   3:20.67 (1:41.00)
        3:43.80 (23.13)     4:09.58 (48.91)
      4:35.63 (1:14.96)   5:01.86 (1:41.19)
        5:24.82 (22.96)     5:49.73 (47.87)
      6:15.32 (1:13.46)   6:41.83 (1:39.97)
 10 Case Western                             6:42.43         14  
     1) Hamilton, Drew SO             2) Tam, Aaron SR                
     3) Hudgins, Oliver SO            4) Henning, Jonathan JR         
                 23.15        48.21 (48.21)
      1:14.00 (1:14.00)   1:40.18 (1:40.18)
        2:03.67 (23.49)     2:29.62 (49.44)
      2:54.99 (1:14.81)   3:20.19 (1:40.01)
        3:42.81 (22.62)     4:08.06 (47.87)
      4:34.17 (1:13.98)   5:00.64 (1:40.45)
        5:23.93 (23.29)     5:49.74 (49.10)
      6:16.18 (1:15.54)   6:42.43 (1:41.79)
 11 MIT                                      6:43.69         12  
     1) Tomazin, Joshua SO            2) Matthews, John JR            
     3) Neubieser, Daryl SR           4) Smith, Daniel FR             
                 22.77        48.58 (48.58)
      1:15.38 (1:15.38)   1:41.80 (1:41.80)
        2:04.63 (22.83)     2:30.11 (48.31)
      2:56.15 (1:14.35)   3:22.62 (1:40.82)
        3:45.08 (22.46)     4:10.58 (47.96)
      4:36.74 (1:14.12)   5:03.41 (1:40.79)
        5:26.11 (22.70)     5:51.37 (47.96)
      6:17.26 (1:13.85)   6:43.69 (1:40.28)
 12 DePauw                                   6:44.43         10  
     1) Lehmann, Blake SR             2) Swieter, Kurt SO             
     3) Pircon, Adam FR               4) Grissom, Alex SR             
                 22.79        48.42 (48.42)
      1:14.63 (1:14.63)   1:41.08 (1:41.08)
        2:03.58 (22.50)     2:28.73 (47.65)
      2:55.04 (1:13.96)   3:21.69 (1:40.61)
        3:45.11 (23.42)     4:11.18 (49.49)
      4:37.18 (1:15.49)   5:04.81 (1:43.12)
        5:27.52 (22.71)     5:52.35 (47.54)
      6:17.99 (1:13.18)   6:44.43 (1:39.62)
 13 Albion                                   6:45.53          8  
     1) Tostado, Sebastian JR         2) Bosko, Derek JR              
     3) Belmore, Parker SO            4) Parsons, Tom JR              
                 23.12        48.56 (48.56)
      1:14.08 (1:14.08)   1:39.47 (1:39.47)
        2:01.85 (22.38)     2:27.53 (48.06)
      2:53.52 (1:14.05)   3:20.36 (1:40.89)
        3:43.92 (23.56)     4:09.87 (49.51)
      4:36.19 (1:15.83)   5:02.45 (1:42.09)
        5:25.62 (23.17)     5:50.98 (48.53)
      6:17.67 (1:15.22)   6:45.53 (1:43.08)
 14 Calvin                                   6:45.57          6  
     1) Muma, Brandon SR              2) Kasper, Andrew FR            
     3) Fish, Skyler SO               4) Deyoung, Maxwell SO          
                 22.39        47.18 (47.18)
      1:13.37 (1:13.37)   1:40.17 (1:40.17)
        2:03.20 (23.03)     2:28.44 (48.27)
      2:54.21 (1:14.04)   3:19.73 (1:39.56)
        3:42.66 (22.93)     4:08.15 (48.42)
      4:35.63 (1:15.90)   5:02.10 (1:42.37)
        5:25.20 (23.10)     5:51.05 (48.95)
      6:18.22 (1:16.12)   6:45.57 (1:43.47)
 15 Chicago                                  6:45.79          4  
     1) Meek, Thomas SR               2) Simoneau, Jonathan JR        
     3) Farrell, Alexander FR         4) Novis, Keenan FR             
                 22.54        47.61 (47.61)
      1:13.90 (1:13.90)   1:40.61 (1:40.61)
        2:03.15 (22.54)     2:28.40 (47.79)
      2:55.35 (1:14.74)   3:22.61 (1:42.00)
        3:44.74 (22.13)     4:09.92 (47.31)
      4:36.27 (1:13.66)   5:04.23 (1:41.62)
        5:27.67 (23.44)     5:53.80 (49.57)
      6:19.96 (1:15.73)   6:45.79 (1:41.56)
 16 Wash U. MO                               6:46.58          2  
     1) Dobben, Luke SR               2) Pek, Andrew FR               
     3) Morrell, Justin JR            4) Brown, Ross SO               
                 23.16        48.51 (48.51)
      1:14.76 (1:14.76)   1:40.58 (1:40.58)
        2:03.36 (22.78)     2:29.21 (48.63)
      2:55.54 (1:14.96)   3:21.74 (1:41.16)
        3:44.51 (22.77)     4:10.03 (48.29)
      4:35.91 (1:14.17)   5:01.99 (1:40.25)
        5:24.82 (22.83)     5:51.63 (49.64)
      6:18.65 (1:16.66)   6:46.58 (1:44.59)

Women’s 800 Free Relay

Emory’s Ellie Thompson (1:49.35), Cindy Cheng (1:49.58), Marissa Bergh (1:49.91), and Julia Wawer (1:49.66) won the event with a time of 7:18.50. They were the only team with all four swimmers under the 1:50 mark.

Williams’ Megan Pierce, Emma Waddell, Breanna Nguyen, and Lauren Jones took second in 7:20.38. Kenyon’s Hannah Orbach-Mandel, Abby Wilson, Delaney Ambrosen, and Marysol Arce finished third in 7:21.14.

Denison (7:24.47), Chicago (7:26.48), Johns Hopkins (7:27.76), Washington U (7:27.86), and Connecticut (7:28.75) rounded out the top eight.

1 Emory                                    7:18.50         40  
     1) Thompson, Ellie SR            2) Cheng, Cindy SO              
     3) Bergh, Marissa JR             4) Wawer, Julia SO              
                 25.83        53.42 (53.42)
      1:21.21 (1:21.21)   1:49.35 (1:49.35)
        2:14.06 (24.71)     2:41.67 (52.32)
      3:10.00 (1:20.65)   3:38.93 (1:49.58)
        4:04.01 (25.08)     4:31.48 (52.55)
      4:59.62 (1:20.69)   5:28.84 (1:49.91)
        5:53.65 (24.81)     6:21.28 (52.44)
      6:50.14 (1:21.30)   7:18.50 (1:49.66)
  2 Williams                                 7:20.38         34  
     1) Pierce, Megan JR              2) Waddell, Emma SO             
     3) Nguyen, Breanna SR            4) Jones, Lauren JR             
                 26.23        54.41 (54.41)
      1:23.03 (1:23.03)   1:52.72 (1:52.72)
        2:17.60 (24.88)     2:45.42 (52.70)
      3:14.02 (1:21.30)   3:42.24 (1:49.52)
        4:07.90 (25.66)     4:35.73 (53.49)
      5:04.10 (1:21.86)   5:32.39 (1:50.15)
        5:57.37 (24.98)     6:24.90 (52.51)
      6:52.62 (1:20.23)   7:20.38 (1:47.99)
  3 Kenyon                                   7:21.14         32  
     1) Orbach-Mandel, Hannah FR      2) Wilson, Abby FR              
     3) Ambrosen, Delaney FR          4) Arce, Marysol FR             
                 26.00        53.80 (53.80)
      1:21.85 (1:21.85)   1:49.96 (1:49.96)
        2:14.73 (24.77)     2:42.26 (52.30)
      3:10.51 (1:20.55)   3:39.69 (1:49.73)
        4:04.80 (25.11)     4:32.73 (53.04)
      5:01.15 (1:21.46)   5:30.01 (1:50.32)
        5:55.50 (25.49)     6:23.90 (53.89)
      6:53.07 (1:23.06)   7:21.14 (1:51.13)
  4 Denison                                  7:24.47         30  
     1) Costley, Campbell JR          2) Elizeus, Alexandria JR       
     3) Wright, Kate SR               4) Johns, Taylor SR             
                 25.90        53.48 (53.48)
      1:21.90 (1:21.90)   1:50.67 (1:50.67)
        2:15.88 (25.21)     2:44.20 (53.53)
      3:13.22 (1:22.55)   3:42.69 (1:52.02)
        4:07.90 (25.21)     4:36.08 (53.39)
      5:04.62 (1:21.93)   5:34.16 (1:51.47)
        5:59.44 (25.28)     6:27.62 (53.46)
      6:56.43 (1:22.27)   7:24.47 (1:50.31)
  5 Chicago                                  7:26.48         28  
     1) Wall, Alison JR               2) Scheidl, Maya JR             
     3) Chu, Karen SR                 4) Eastman, Hannah FR           
                 25.80        53.93 (53.93)
      1:22.72 (1:22.72)   1:51.22 (1:51.22)
        2:15.47 (24.25)     2:43.39 (52.17)
      3:12.43 (1:21.21)   3:42.15 (1:50.93)
        4:07.87 (25.72)     4:36.16 (54.01)
      5:05.55 (1:23.40)   5:35.28 (1:53.13)
        6:00.67 (25.39)     6:28.68 (53.40)
      6:57.72 (1:22.44)   7:26.48 (1:51.20)
  6 Johns Hopkins                            7:27.76         26  
     1) Cowan, Courtney SO            2) Jones, Kaitlin SO            
     3) Lamastra, Gwyneth SO          4) Cheng, Emily FR              
                 25.79        53.35 (53.35)
      1:21.79 (1:21.79)   1:49.94 (1:49.94)
        2:15.16 (25.22)     2:43.18 (53.24)
      3:12.23 (1:22.29)   3:41.87 (1:51.93)
        4:07.02 (25.15)     4:35.57 (53.70)
      5:05.05 (1:23.18)   5:34.56 (1:52.69)
        6:00.10 (25.54)     6:27.98 (53.42)
      6:56.98 (1:22.42)   7:27.76 (1:53.20)
  7 Wash U. MO                               7:27.86         24  
     1) Collins, Marilyn JR           2) McAfee, Kristalyn SR         
     3) Zanolli, Nicole SO            4) Polries, Erin JR             
                 26.08        54.71 (54.71)
      1:24.37 (1:24.37)   1:53.47 (1:53.47)
        2:19.04 (25.57)     2:47.16 (53.69)
      3:15.68 (1:22.21)   3:43.98 (1:50.51)
        4:09.14 (25.16)     4:36.83 (52.85)
      5:05.83 (1:21.85)   5:35.33 (1:51.35)
        6:00.46 (25.13)     6:28.44 (53.11)
      6:57.50 (1:22.17)   7:27.86 (1:52.53)
  8 Conn College                             7:28.75         22  
     1) Haskell, Olivia FR            2) Rotner, Emma SR              
     3) Pierce, Samantha SR           4) Urban, Valerie JR            
                 26.32        54.70 (54.70)
      1:23.65 (1:23.65)   1:53.07 (1:53.07)
        2:19.12 (26.05)     2:47.69 (54.62)
      3:17.27 (1:24.20)   3:46.53 (1:53.46)
        4:11.57 (25.04)     4:38.99 (52.46)
      5:06.87 (1:20.34)   5:35.37 (1:48.84)
        6:01.11 (25.74)     6:29.40 (54.03)
      6:58.86 (1:23.49)   7:28.75 (1:53.38)
  9 Amherst                                  7:29.51         18  
     1) Song, Dorit FR                2) Domenig, Livia FR            
     3) Pappas, Zoe FR                4) Hyde, Emily SR               
                 26.23        54.21 (54.21)
      1:22.77 (1:22.77)   1:51.28 (1:51.28)
        2:08.55 (17.27)     2:45.42 (54.14)
      3:14.46 (1:23.18)   3:43.71 (1:52.43)
        4:09.09 (25.38)     4:36.99 (53.28)
      5:06.49 (1:22.78)   5:38.01 (1:54.30)
        6:03.54 (25.53)     6:31.75 (53.74)
      7:00.95 (1:22.94)   7:29.51 (1:51.50)
 10 NYU                                      7:32.65         14  
     1) Wen, Haley FR                 2) Wakabayashi, Grace FR        
     3) Bergh, Hannah SO              4) Leung, Noelle FR             
                 25.98        54.36 (54.36)
      1:23.58 (1:23.58)   1:52.09 (1:52.09)
        2:18.45 (26.36)     2:46.93 (54.84)
      3:16.29 (1:24.20)   3:46.42 (1:54.33)
        4:12.89 (26.47)     4:41.33 (54.91)
      5:10.47 (1:24.05)   5:40.21 (1:53.79)
        6:05.67 (25.46)     6:33.46 (53.25)
      7:02.55 (1:22.34)   7:32.65 (1:52.44)
 11 Bates                                    7:34.22         12  
     1) Prelgovisk, Lindsey SR        2) McGill, Logan SO             
     3) Depew, Caroline SR            4) Daher, Sara JR               
                 26.07        55.37 (55.37)
      1:25.12 (1:25.12)   1:54.19 (1:54.19)
        2:19.78 (25.59)     2:48.31 (54.12)
      3:18.08 (1:23.89)   3:47.85 (1:53.66)
        4:13.93 (26.08)     4:42.39 (54.54)
      5:11.99 (1:24.14)   5:42.56 (1:54.71)
        6:07.88 (25.32)     6:36.37 (53.81)
      7:05.21 (1:22.65)   7:34.22 (1:51.66)
 12 MIT                                      7:34.34         10  
     1) Jedryka, Veronika JR          2) Wu, Amanda SO                
     3) Yu, Katherine SR              4) Chambers, Adelaide FR        
                 25.78        54.07 (54.07)
      1:22.70 (1:22.70)   1:51.67 (1:51.67)
        2:17.53 (25.86)     2:46.55 (54.88)
      3:16.84 (1:25.17)   3:47.11 (1:55.44)
        4:12.75 (25.64)     4:41.80 (54.69)
      5:11.75 (1:24.64)   5:41.63 (1:54.52)
        6:07.70 (26.07)     6:35.92 (54.29)
      7:05.08 (1:23.45)   7:34.34 (1:52.71)
 13 DePauw                                   7:34.37          8  
     1) Bridges, Caroline SR          2) Olson, Kirsten JR            
     3) Horne, Erin SR                4) Newlon, Angela JR            
                 26.05        54.36 (54.36)
      1:23.49 (1:23.49)   1:53.56 (1:53.56)
        2:18.93 (25.37)     2:47.43 (53.87)
      3:16.91 (1:23.35)   3:47.13 (1:53.57)
        4:13.13 (26.00)     4:42.05 (54.92)
      5:11.75 (1:24.62)   5:42.18 (1:55.05)
        6:07.23 (25.05)     6:35.57 (53.39)
      7:05.00 (1:22.82)   7:34.37 (1:52.19)
 14 IWU                                      7:34.42          6  
     1) Cheng, Lisa FR                2) Stanley, Meg JR              
     3) Hoecker, Baylee JR            4) Slaughter, Kirsten SR        
                 27.46        57.19 (57.19)
      1:26.66 (1:26.66)   1:55.63 (1:55.63)
        2:21.28 (25.65)     2:50.06 (54.43)
      3:19.28 (1:23.65)   3:48.28 (1:52.65)
        4:15.51 (27.23)     4:44.52 (56.24)
      5:14.01 (1:25.73)   5:43.37 (1:55.09)
        6:08.96 (25.59)     6:38.12 (54.75)
      7:06.42 (1:23.05)   7:34.42 (1:51.05)
 15 Middlebury                               7:35.57          4  
     1) Karpowicz, Kristin FR         2) Andrews, Stephanie SO        
     3) Burke, Morgan JR              4) Wyer, Isabel SO              
                 25.97        54.53 (54.53)
      1:23.79 (1:23.79)   1:54.29 (1:54.29)
        2:19.75 (25.46)     2:47.95 (53.66)
      3:16.95 (1:22.66)   3:46.25 (1:51.96)
        4:12.22 (25.97)     4:41.60 (55.35)
      5:11.88 (1:25.63)   5:42.29 (1:56.04)
        6:08.36 (26.07)     6:37.52 (55.23)
      7:06.71 (1:24.42)   7:35.57 (1:53.28)
 16 Calvin                                   7:36.71          2  
     1) Schroder, Megan SR            2) Serino, Anna FR              
     3) Murphy, Kendall FR            4) VanHarn, Abby SO             
                 26.83        55.61 (55.61)
      1:25.31 (1:25.31)   1:55.28 (1:55.28)
        2:22.03 (26.75)     2:50.36 (55.08)
      3:19.79 (1:24.51)   3:49.13 (1:53.85)
        4:15.97 (26.84)     4:45.13 (56.00)
      5:15.38 (1:26.25)   5:45.07 (1:55.94)
        6:10.25 (25.18)     6:39.05 (53.98)
      7:08.15 (1:23.08)   7:36.71 (1:51.64)

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